MovieChat Forums > The Oregon Trail Discussion > Unusually violent for its time?

Unusually violent for its time?

I remember seeing this in theaters as the second half of a double bill with another feature that was the main reason my father and I were there. I forget what the main feature was, and I remember very little of THE OREGON TRAIL, but I do remember that as a kid I found this movie disturbing and unsually bloody and violent, particularly the climactic attack on the fort. I guess I was used to the less brutal violence of TV westerns. Am I misremembering this, or was it unusually violent for its time? I remember seeing someone die with an amount of blood that I had not seen in movies before that.


If you went to see it in Great Britain on its original release, it formed the lower half of a double bill with "The Navy Lark". The critic in Picturegoer magazine at the time also thought that this film was unusually violent for a "U" certificate film and that the scene in the attack on the fort in the final reel, where a little boy is shot and killed with an arrow was very graphic and totally uncalled for.


Yes, I remember seeing the movie a long time ago on TV and noted that a child was killed in the battle. Also at the beginning a massacred wagon train is seen including a child's doll and later in the movie the protagonist's wagon train finds the remains and someone picks up the doll.

