Mr. Kite?

Was this film's character the reference in the "Sgt Pepper" song that began "For the benefit of Mister Kite, there will be a show tonight on trampoline"?


I was wondering the same thing, I'll bet he is.


Sadly, No.

According to a Beatles interview John Lennon got the idea for Mr. Kite directly from a poster he saw that had many of the elements of the song.

Great movie in the meantime!

"Save me Jebus!", Homer Simpson


A movie poster maybe ? Don't know how popular the movie was at the time but the lads were all in their teens in '59. Maybe a forgot exactly what the poster was for ? It just seems that the issues this movie dealt with and some of Johns politics...I dunno, guess it doesn't really matter but a curious coincidence. I just watched it on TMC and came directly here to see if the question had been asked/answered. I'm pleased to see I wasn't the only one wondering same.
Not that I don't accept your/Lennons answer or anything, just thinking he may not have been entirely conscious/aware of the influence. It wouldn't be unheard of and easy to understand - we're all influenced daily by a barrage of adverts. etc., designed to 'stick' in our heads. Who can remember or even pay attention to it all - even when I ignore most commercials I've found myself whistling a tune from one seemingly popping into my head from nowhere. Anyway...
'Free credit report dot com, tell your....' Oh sh*t, there it goes again,
please make it stop !


The Internet is just full of information right at our fingertips.
I didn't look this up earlier but here it is now.

(p.s. I only believe half of what i read and none of what I see on the 'net.)


"Save me Jebus!", Homer Simpson


It was a POSTER FOR A CIRCUS, dinglebats!

Time is the only true purgatory.


I have seen a photograph of John Lennon with the Victorian circus poster.

Gordon P. Clarkson



