I love this movie!!!

I haven't seen this movie in probably 30 years. I remember watching it on the Hoolihan and Big Chuck show out of Cleveland. It scared the bejesus out of me. I still think of it and how I would love to see it again. I thought the title was different though, like "The Mystery of Jonathan Drake" or something. It took me awhile to find the title on IMDB. It's in a category for me with "The Flesh Eaters", "Let's Kill Uncle", and the "Circle of Fear"/"Ghost Story" TV series of things that really got to me as a kid and would love to see again.


I saw this movie twice on TV when I was a kid. I remember the second time it was the late feature on "Creature Double Feature" on KMTV in Omaha, NE. The part where Zutia goes "poof!" at the end spooked me big time. I wanted to see it again for years and TNT ran it late one night about 10 years ago. I taped it and watch it every now and then. It's still creepy but enjoyable and not over-the-top as so many modern "horror" movies are.


Now available on a double feature MIDNITE MOVES dvd - other movie on the disc is VOODOO ISLAND.


I just watched this film and thought it was a good deal of creepy fun. Henry Daniel was excellent as the villain.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


Henry daniell is great! This movie has so many little details that make it rise above other horror movies from the same time. The Skull finger-prints are badass! When they rip the shirt off Daniell and you see it is indeed the black witch doctors body with Daniell's head i get shivers and its awesome.


Nobody commented on the part where Drake is in bed and sees four skulls in midair, approaching him.


I was a junior high school kid in the late '60's (one year ahead of Kevin Arnold in "The Wonder Years"), and this was one of the movies that was perfect to watch while spending the night over at some other kid's house!


Years later I talked to my Mom after she came home, one day; I had been reading the weekly program listings in the TV Guide I had just bought. We had some running family jokes, and one had to do with some movies we had watched and had some unflattering opinions about. I started the short conversation like this:
"One of our favorite movies is going to be on this week."
"No--The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake."


not bad at all :)
