MovieChat Forums > Touch of Evil (1958) Discussion > Did the village idot 'night man' ruin th...

Did the village idot 'night man' ruin this movie for anyone else???

I love film noir, the darker and creepier the better, but the unintentionally comedic stammering and overacting of the "Night Man" at the Hotel (viewers will remember him as such since he repeated that he was "the Night Man" over and over and over and over again) completely ruined the whole dark, creepy ambiance of the film for me. His time on screen was so bad it was painful and embarrassing to watch, a stock "village idiot" charcter that feels like an an unwelcome vistor flown in from a different movie - like a 30's slapstick comedy perhaps? His presence is truly unfortunate since TOE could have otherwise been a good noir tale...Some directors should be banned by law from putting "comic relief" charcters in their movies - Welles is one of them!




Absolutely not. Weaver's Night man is a high-point for me. A total class act. I do it just to watch their f----n' expression change.


Yeah, he's not far off from the Jar Jar Binks League for me. I just didn't like him much. Just an annoying distraction for me.


Weaver's character/performance was the only thing I disliked about Touch of Evil. For some strange reason though, I was rather amused by his character... at first.

But, yeah, the film suffers a bit from his pointless character.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


It didn't ruin the movie but his character was extremely out of place. It's like he's acting in another movie.


I've never had a problem with the character. The film already feels so over the top and carnival-like to me that I wasn't surprised by his appearance. The shot where he drops the smoked joint in terror cracks me up. However I agree with the poster who said that he would've gotten on my nerves if he had more scenes.


I thought he was good. His creepiness got to me. Heston as a Mexican was downright ludicrous.

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It didn't ruin the movie for me, but it did keep forcing me to ask why would Miguel leave his bride with the "village idiot' in a desert dog box. Hell of a start to a honeymoon.

