Public Domain?

Hi, I've been trying to find out who owns the movie rights to this film?

Many sites say it's in the public domain & let you see it online, but it came out in 1958 & the LOC says it's been reregistered in 1985. So I'm confused.

Can anyone clarify or point me to the actual status anywhere? Thanks!


Thoerically it should have went into public domain by 2008. however lobysts managed to push the law though that extended the time to 95 years back in the 07 and thus this should remain not public domain. they even pushed the law for other movies that are public domain to be reclaimable, but so far such cases are rare. however if you put a public domain mmovie and re-release it on dvd, like mystery movies did with this one, the 95 years starts couting from release of the DVD for the dvds, so those dvds would not be in publid codmain any time soon.
as far as i know noone really has a list of public domain movies that is complete. the best you can get is going for the old registry record books that were released in limited edition (100 copies or so) and then seeing the release date and whether they were re-registered. but the registries are so rare nowdays that unless you know someone who owns a copy you probably wont see them. and the registry service will not give you such information, as thier electronic records dont reach that far back.

Tl;dr this is not publi domain. you cant see status.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


Isn't there tons of DVD releases and box sets which include this movie?


That doesnt count as public domain now does it? imagine what public domain could have done to our libraries and then think about how it effects.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


That doesnt count as public domain now does it?

Doesn't it? I doubt all these little companies are paying to release all these films when there's a lot they can legally release for free.


yes, they are taking many movies out of public domain. thats why tiher production costs are zero. they do however take movies that are not in public domain too. however the dvd they release is not a PD. you cant share it or stream it, it becomes theirs for 95 years.
for example you take some picture by picasso, which is public domain. make a black small dot in the corner. claim you have "updated" it. and it suddenly becomes your intellectual property for 95 years.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


Somebody made changes to I BURY THE LIVING then?

I know some of the 50 packs have released non-PD releases like DEADTIME STORIES, but those prints were stopped, and the film removed from the box set.


I was interested to read your mention of the Public Domain Law now set for 95 years for movies. It will be interesting to see if it will be extended. I would think Universal won't be too pleased if their horror classics start going into Public Domain in 5 or 6 years time. I'm think of the 1931 'Dracula' classic which would qualify at that time.
