Which Mina is best?

Here are the choices -

Greta Schroeder (Nosferatu - 1922)*
Helen Chandler (Dracula - 1931)
Melissa Stribling (Horror Of Dracula - 1958)
Jan Francis (Dracula - 1979)
Winona Ryder (Bram Stoker's Dracula - 1992)
Peta Wilson (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - 2003)

What's your favourite?

*Yes, I know she's called Ellen, but it's basically the same character.


You forgot the wonderful beautiful Isabelle Adjani in Herzogs Nosferatu 1979!


Judi Bowker for me as well, a good, strong portrayal.


Aha, Judi from the epic TV version w Louis Jordan! Oh boy, I have more than 46 vampire films, and I almost forgot that I have that one. Yes, she is a dear little cutie, but she was really giving us some good acting too. (Hi, zebulonguy!)


Hi, yes a great Dracula version. Like Jordan very much. Judi plays it with a good determined strength, an interesting interpreation.


Ryder, Amy Yasbeck from Dracula dead and loving it and Lupita Tovar from Spanish Dracula (1931), I think.


Helen Chandler is the best Mina.


I have to go with Helen Chandler on this one. I do love Melissa Stribling's performance in this movie too, though.
