MovieChat Forums > Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) Discussion > Rate Elizabeth's performance. Did she de...

Rate Elizabeth's performance. Did she deserve Oscar that year?

Rate Elizabeth's performance. Did she deserve Oscar that year?

Everyone knows her first Oscar win was a dud and a sympathy vote. And that she was better in the two Tennessee Williams' films "Cat" and "suddenly, ... summer"?

How would people rate her performance here in contrast to BUtterfield 8 and "Suddenly, Last Summer"?

I've gotten the impression that Liz's win was like Julia Roberts in Erin B. A starlett that just had to win one.


I thought she did great and did deserve the Oscar. A lot of the movies that I've seen from the 50s seem to have a lot of overacting but I thought Elizabeth's performance was very real and believable.


She was fave to win but she ran off with Eddie Fisher who at the time was married to Debbie Reynolds, who were seen as the 'All American Sweethearts'. Eddie and Mike Todd were best friends and I think Liz saw Mike in Eddie although the marriage was a disaster as Richard Burton came along



she was Amazing!!! don't know if she deserved the oscar but her nomination was totally justified!!

