MovieChat Forums > Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) Discussion > Which OSCAR should it have won???

Which OSCAR should it have won???

Six nominations - the BIG FIVE (Picture, Director, Writer, Actor and Actress) plus Cinematography. Burl Ives and Judith Anderson SHOULD have been nominated IMHO.

But of the six nominations- which one did it deserve the most?

I'm thinking, because of the great performances, Director Richard Brooks should have won.

What say you???

"the best that you can do is fall in love"


Burl Ives and Judith Anderson SHOULD have been nominated IMHO.
I'm not sure which Oscar the film should have won, but Ives and Anderson should definitely have been nominated. Anderson was Australian, and yet her southern accent was spot-on.


Burl Ives did win an Oscar in the same year for "The Big Country"


Yeah --- But I always thought this was the better performance


