Man, this is a horribly, plotless, liberal garbage of a film. This film was remade again 11 years later and it was called Once Upon a Time in the West. Actually, it was never remade. Sergio Leone wanted to show to the very liberal, and whimpy Gregory Peck how to make a lavish western with also very little story. The outcome was so much better. The Big Country is a very liberal movie that depicts a whimp played by the very whimpy and nadless Peck who won't stand up for himself or his lady. This is Peck's version of how to handle war. Well, guess what you whimp sometimes you just have to strap on the six shooter and get the job done if trouble is in the neighborhood. I also love how Pecker made the very mult-talented athlete, and Republican Chuck Connors a whimp. Man, if Pecker and Connors got into a fist fight or Charlton Heston and Pecker, Pecker would end up in a hospital. Both men would kick Pecker's ass.

The movie is a very long, long, boring movie with not much happening, except how Pecker views the world. The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. Thank God one year later a couple of pros got together and made the greatest western ever and those pros go by the names of Wayne, Martin, Nelson, Brennan, and Hawks and the movie is the absolutely great Rio Bravo. Pecker take note this is how you make a western. * out ****


Hi erroll909,

It is fascinating how posters who spend their time pointing fingers at films, actors and directors for being political are always the most politically extreme themselves. I also wonder why people who don't like a film waste their time and everyone else's posting on the board for fans of the film. You wrote nothing constructive, gave no critique, just exposed yourself as someone who is very intolerant. By the way, The Big Country is a movie, not a political thesis.

The film was based on a best selling novel about a man who settled things without resorting to violence. It was written by Donald Hamilton so if you have issues with the story, they should be with Hamilton's book, not those who adapted his work into a film. The Big Country is considered by many to be one of the great Westerns of all time, certainly not a distinction ever given to Rio Bravo... except of course by you.


erroll909: I love straight-forward shoot-'em-ups like the kind of pictures John Wayne made, but I like character studies and "thinking man's" Westerns, too. Echoing digitaldiva, I don't see much in the way of legitimate grievances in your OP.

Also, I'm conservative, even registered GOP (and you can check my posting history and find where I've clashed with posters who make your much-eschewed [and unabashed liberal] Gregory Peck look like a reactionary right-winger!), but this is still America and the country will always be big enough for me to co-exist with people who think differently from me; for extremists on EITHER end of the political spectrum, they should all be dealt with if they pose any danger to public safety and our American way of life--but I wouldn't include the mild liberalism of Gregory Peck on my "hit list!"

I don't understand how you could argue with the principles of moral courage (and even physical courage, when situations like protecting helpless, abducted women would arise) and mental and emotional maturity that are embodied in Peck's character, Jim McKay. If your brand of "conservatism" includes Christian values--well, it's plain enough to see that McKay acquitted himself quite well and his conduct throughout the entire story shows him to be a man who might have read the Bible, including teachings and principles to be found in the Old Testament Book of Proverbs and throughout the teachings of Christ to be found in the Gospels, as well as in further exposition by Saints Paul, Peter, James and John.

Secret Message, HERE!-->CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've discovered the Secret Message!



Well said, as usual. And this from another doctrinaire conservative.


I second that.




I agree with errol1909. I usually like movies of this type, however this one was just dragged out and slow. It just took way too long to make its few points along the way. The scenery was great, but how long can you stare at a pretty postcard?

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer SimpsonBuzzzzz--" - Frank Grimes


OP makes me laugh. What a fool. It's sad that he couldn't enjoy this excellent movie.
