Edie's Venue

In a couple of the later episodes, Edie is singing in a fancier place than Mother's. Is there ever any explanation of whose place it is (or even its name) or why Edie is suddenly singing in a higher-class venue?

"How's that for Japanese efficiency?"


According to some WWW site I was visiting recently, in the third season, Edie has left Mother's and started her own club. I haven't verified this myself, having not seen the third season shows...

Peter Gunn -- Coolest Detective Ever! -- http://www.mjq.net/petergunn


I've been watching some Peter Gunn over the last few months on RetroTV. In some of the episodes where Edie sings in the newer, more upscale club it is made clear (at least if you pay attention to the exterior signage when Pete is shown entering or exiting) that the name of that club is "Edie's".

The other tip off is that the maitre d' at the new place consistently follows Edie's instructions, much more so than he would if she were just a hired singer.


In the 1960-1 episode “The Maître d’” Edie opens Edie’s supper club. She also sings “September in the Rain.”


I have reviewed the episode where we see Edie's new club on my site devoted to Peter Gunn episodes (http://www.mjq.net/petergunn) [warning, spoilers if you haven't seen the show already]

James Lanphier, who played villains in each of the two previous seasons, returns as Leslie, in the first of 13 appearances this season. He is a Cordon Bleu chef whose restaurant is blown up during a gang war and is the only witness who can identify the man who was responsible for the bombing. Also a lawyer and a brown belt in judo, Leslie tracks Jacoby down to Edie's new supper club where the lieutenant is being unsuccessful in trying to speed up the inspection process through some contacts at City Hall. In exchange for Gunn protecting him, Leslie manages to use *his* City Hall contact to come immediately so the club can open that evening. This place is a step up from Mother's, even to the extent of employing a French chef whom Leslie berates for his mediocre preparation of food. When the chef quits, Leslie takes over temporarily and also assumes the job of maitre d' in order to attract the attention of Garson (Alan Reed), one of the two gangsters involved in the bombing.


I’m watching the episode right now when Edie opens her own place. Do they ever explain why she does so? Does something happen to Mother’s?


Maybe she just wanted to have a place of her own and be the owner/employer. She could have a little more fame and fortune that way.
