Favourite scene

The magic show scene was captivating, not sure if it was the best, but it had me the most enthralled. Thoughts?



YES this movie gave one of those rare moments, while watching this scene, I actually sat up out of my chair, mezmerized. Her sihlouette against the spotlight behind her, the kind words that "Oscar" is whispering to her, and her ultimate inability to tolerate another dissapointment after being strung along so far...

It was such a joy to see her overcome her desperation at the final scene when she joins the townspeople in their procession.


I really like the scene where she is under the street light just dancing around by herself, gives a big high kick, and freezes when she notices she is being watched...

The thorn defends the rose, yet it is peaceful and does not seek conflict.


My favourite scene in the film is when Cabiria is standing under a tree & umbrella, probably remembering her lover & she's called from a car, obviously by a prospective client but she refuses/ignores business. Rain adds a lot to the scene, of course, Iconic, shot of the movie, in my view.


That was a great scene for sure. Its probably trite to say, but the final scene just floored me. What more is there to say about it? Probably one of the most emotional moments I've ever had watching cinema.

"For dark is the suede that mows like a harvest"
