Cornell Borchers

Have never seen this actress before, nor have I watched the movie, Istanbul, in toto on YouTube or the telly. Yet, from what I saw of such in brief, Cornell looked like and had the same voice inflections as Ingrid. Given the love story between the two characters in this film, as I've read, one can gather some similarity with the pairing of Humphrey and Ingrid in Casablanca, for many of the reviews of this film allude to such. Cornell was indeed quite nice then.


She had a major role in the film "Never Say Goodbye" with Rock Hudson, directed by
Douglas Sirk, but was not credited!!


Istanbul and Never Say Goodbye were made only a year or so apart. Borchers was the lost, believed dead fiancé/wife in both films being caused by circumstances of post World War II which separated the lovers. Then, of course, they are reunited. Both movies have intrigue and romance. These are two of my favorite themes in stories. So if you are a fan of these genres, you will enjoy both films. Cornell Borchers was lovely in both and Rock Hudson was certainly easy on the eyes in NSG.


Yes, this was my immediate thought too: Ingrid Bergman knock-off.
