MovieChat Forums > The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) Discussion > how can anyone call this a classic???

how can anyone call this a classic???

i saw this movie about 5 times.and at 31 yrs old im saying is this a classic lol i thought it was fun to watch and amusing watching the man getting smaller and smaller and did love his adventure s in the basement.but that were it may piss alot of poeple off but thats my i said i loved the cat scene how he trie s surviving as tiny man in a vast new world.amusing like i said.but a classic is gone with the wind.did any man or woman that saw this think scott was going to be killed by the cat that chased him???i giggled and thought it was amusing watching a kittycat play cat and mouse with the tiny man but i didnt jump out of my seat.if you did somethings wrong with you.the sewing box scene lighting the match using his wifes tools as weapons were very smart and well thought of.and the spider was scary but please did you think scott wouldnt lance it with the sewing pin???so predictable.i laughed out loud at the dollhouse scene watching a tiny man shouting at his wife lol no offence to you lovers of the movie.all i did was wish it was me so i could have told him to go back inside his new home i put him in and shut up until i get back to care for him.i found myself saying this isnt a sci fi movie atleast not all of it.its a movie about emasculation and the more he shrunk the more emasculated he got.if it was today with todays woman picture a tiny man living in a her dollhouse shouting at her lol he would be i said it was very fun and loved how the man turned more into a caveman surviving in a huge new world his basement and found myself cheering everytime scott past a new test like climbing the wall for food.but all in all its FUN AND AMUSING thats it.grant williams was brilliant as the shrinking man and his voice over was great not to mention he was very handsome.but if you call this a classic your brain dead.i would have toyed with him rather then the cat lol and why is it his wife was dumb enough to let a cat in while her shrinking husband is left alone???if i get negative feedback or not and i could care less if i and my girlfriends loved it and thought it was fun but a i said your brain dead yours truly susan



Of course, it's a classic lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol..........................


Your arrogance makes me sick.

You can diss a movie all you like, that's your right, but when you go about saying that those who don't agree with you are brain dead, that's disgustingly condescending.

Oh, and please work on your punctuation and spacing.


Responding only to your opening line.

I refuse to read huge blocks of prose that sit on the page like hunks of impenetrable concrete.

The Incredible Shrinking Man, my favorite science fiction film of all time and an acknowledged classic, is apparently as far beyond your comprehension as is your grasp of basic grammar.

To God There Is No Zero. I Still Exist.


"I refuse to read huge blocks of prose that sit on the page like hunks of impenetrable concrete. "

Hahaha! Yes, yes, a thousand time yes!


You shouldn't post comments on here if you cannot take others replying to you without calling them names.It only shows how immature you are Susan.


i didnt mean any harm.just trying to get a point made sorry if you took it the wrong way


Took it the wrong way??? You mean there was a good intention in your saying "but if you call this a classic your [sic] brain dead"???


MotorCityCobra55, I couldn't even finish reading your post. As another commenter stated above, please, learn proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. It is very hard to respond to a post which is so difficult to read.

"I'm issuing a restraining order. Religion must stay 500 yards away from science at all times."


As far as being pissed off about your opinion, well, it's just an opinion so don't sweat it. I think, in calling it a classic, you have to put yourself in the frame of mind of a 1950's Nuclear Family viewer. For that time, the special effects were off the chain. They did things in that movie that literally baffled people. Also, remember, nuclear power was a new and VERY big deal. It was scaring the bejesus out of everybody.
Personally, I think it's a classic. Would it fly in today's market? Oh hell no, but back then, it rocked.

She's gone from suck to blow!


It still rocks. So do the originals of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," and, "The Day the Earth Stood Still".


Would it fly in today's market? Oh hell no, but back then, it rocked.

Kind of like WarGames. Back in 1983, when it was released it was an awesome movie. Nowadays, it's dated, with the rise of the Internet, the increasingly awareness of online security. WarGames seems implausible nowadays


But that doesn't make it any less fun. I try to judge a movie in the context of its times -- if they did the best they could with what was available & current when it was made, then I'm more than satisfied.


This is why LOLcats shouldn't be allowed to comment on film.

CKRG's funeral song:


As for the end of the OP's message, I think the cat entered the house without the wife's knowledge, while her back was turned or something.

Being inconsistent is better than being consistently bad.
