MovieChat Forums > Fiend Without a Face (1958) Discussion > Any one else affected by this film when ...

Any one else affected by this film when younger

Ive been a lifelong fan of horror films, and when i was young i was lucky to be allowed to watch any that appeared on TV( long before videos or dvds).
When i was young, some films scared me, but this is the only film that affected me for months after i first saw it.
When i was about 7, this film really gave me the creeps.
While i was never afraid of the dark, after seeing this film, i was terrified of going up the stairs in my house unless the lights were on. The turn at the top of the stairs held the unseen fiends when it was in darkness.


oh have no father died in 1973-i was 12 years old-about 2 months later this film was on BBC1 late one absolutely terrified me to the point that i wanted to sleep with the light on for the next 20 years.the unseen creature,the slithering,thumping noise it made stopped me from watching this film until about 2005....and no,i am not kidding on this one.


Yes, this film scared the hell out of me when I was a kid.
I think it was a combination of the invisibility and the horrible thumping sounds they made.
The only other films that scared me as much were "Island of Terror" and "Curse of the Demon".
All still great stuff today!


YES! I saw this in 1967 in Raleigh NC, when I was 6. Flying invisible brains--how horrifying! I spent years looking for the film, but the title is not nearly descriptive enough to identify the film. I think someone on rec.movies finally identified it for me.

Other brain movies I remember: Donovan's Brain and The Brain from Planet Arous. Add to this the great Outer Limits episode "The Brain of Colonel Barham." "The Brain That Wouldn't Die" wasn't quite at the level of the others but was memorable and gruesome nevertheless.

Other great Marshall Thompson creature-features: "IT! The creature from Beyond Space" and "First Man Into Space." Thompson was a Major in "Fiend," a Colonel in "IT!" and a Navy Commander in "First Man."

reply scared me now.great movie


Saw it on TV when I was in high school late one night. I don't scare easily but this got to me. The noises they made were bad enough but when they became visible it was real nightmare material. I remember being shocked by the bloody ending and I had nighmares for over a week after! I can watch it now with no problem but my original reactions have never left me.


Any one else affected by this film when younger

Monsters like that never really scared me. What gave me nightmares was the idea of long dead things coming back to life. The scene in Horror Express where the train worker looks in the crate and sees the decayed, mummified caveman staring back at him scared me so much that I didn't watch the rest of the movie until many years later. Curse of the Faceless Man gave me some sleepless nights as did The Cat Creature.

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It took me a long time to figure out what the movie was called. I remember it well, watching it when growing up, and having nightmares after. A well done B movie, proving you didn't need CGI and gore to make your skin crawl.


This movie scared the CRAP out of me when I was a kid in the late 60s. After all these years I still remember being afraid to go to sleep and putting pillows around my head to keep the monsters from sucking out my spinal cord at night.

I haven't seen it since then, but I need to watch it again to see if it's really that bad. Another one that scared me was The Brain that wouldn't die. I found a cheap DVD online and watched it to see if it really was that bad. Those old 50s B movies were pretty effective at scaring us, and I agree that we don't have to have CGI to make a good scary movie.


My uncle had this on videotape and it scared the hell out of me.


Another poster kindly reminded me of the title of this film after years of trying to figure out what it was called.

I saw it in about 1968 on an all night spook marathon on Australian TV. It scared the living daylights out of me. Looking at the images on Google Image they still have that scare factor.

I looked it up and it is available on Amazon Prime so I know what I will be watching, through hands over my eyes, this weekend.

It is a great B movie horror flick.


Ick! Those hideous, mobile brains were possibly the most creepy monsters from 1950's cinema. Just watching them crawl along was creepy enough!
