Farragut Jones

I was 10 years old when DGNTW came out, and remember Mickey Shaughnessy's foul-mouthed sailor "Farragut Jones". Every time he uttered an obscenity, he was bleeped with something that sounded like he was passing gas, which I thought he was really doing, as I didn't know what bleeps were for. I laughed so hard I wet myself.


Oh, yes... I think I was around the same age when I saw it, and the only thing I remember about it aside from the title is one scene with Farragut Jones; he must have sampled some booze, and said "Criminy, that's [BUUURP] good stuff!" I didn't quite wet myself, but came close.


Understandable since if you look real close you can see he is mouthing a word that is clearly not the f word. Have no idea what it could be either.


The word he says is "stinkin" I read lips


Hilarious reaction! But I just caught up with the film and was amazed at how blatant it was that the 'buzzed' words were "f.....g" in a family comedy of the mid-50's! Glenn Ford has to keep protesting "No, no, you can't say that word!"

The interest fact is that the film was cut in Britain at the time, I'm sure for this sequence, couldn't be anything else, because the censors there obviously realised how obvious it would be that the forbidden word was virtually being uttered repeatedly. I would take a guess that the film would have been cut in Australia and New Zealand at the time for the same reason.


As an old Navy man, the movie cracked me up - especially Farragut Jones.


The sound bleeping out his expletive was a fog horn. :-)
