Massive Curtailment

is in order for the trivia on this as at the time it was made there was no subway in Los Angeles. Whoever wrote that doesn't know LA from the proverbial "hole in the ground".

Sacred cows make delicious hamburgers.


The film takes place in New York, doesn't it?


Indeed so.

Sacred cows make delicious hamburgers.


The shooting locations say that it was filmed (in part) in the Pacific Electic Subway, Los Angeles, CA. The PAS was in operation from 1925 til 1955. It was a one mile subway for the Red Car Trolleys near Hollywood. For more information, check out (Sorry I can't remember how to make that a link ;-)


There are maps of Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Staten Island quite prominently displayed on the walls in the police department. One clearly says "MANHATTAN."

The subway was weird though. No third rail I could see. Were the NYC subways really like that in the 50s? I remember them from the late 60s and they were very different then.

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"...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped."


The movie was set in New York. It says so right at the start. However, it was filmed in LA, so they probably used the trolley tunnel referred to in the earlier post as a subway substitute.

Also, weirdly, there appeared to be a map of Los Angeles on the wall of the NYPD detective's office. That was strange.


Those were definitely not NY Subways. I lived in NY and rode the subways in the 50s and 60s. They looked like trolleys.


In Spain the title was "While New York sleeps" ☺


RKO was a very New York-oriented studio. The majority of their films are set there, even if not filmed there.
