MovieChat Forums > Sôshun (1974) Discussion > Ozu Bucket Brigade 2

Ozu Bucket Brigade 2

If you would like to see a medium-fidelity subtitled copy of "Early Spring" prior to the 1956 Fixing -- here's the place to request and work out distribution details.


My favorite new film -- Take Care of My Cat:


I'm finding that I've a lot of spare time to use at my discretion now, so I'd be happy to give Early Spring a try. If it makes it easier to arrange something, know that I am in the midwest.

Thanks again for the opportunity, Kerpan. If you ever want me to dub something for you (I can only dub from DVD to VHS), like An Actor's Revenge or Persona (or something else), let me know.



Although, according to kerpan's latest report it looks like Swift is next but perhaps he has already made arrangements with someone else? Maybe kerpan can sort this out for us...

I appreciate the quick response nonetheless.


I'll PM my stats to johnpaul z ...
and will watch it as soon as I get it.

Will be glad to forward it to you, AB, unless someone else gets a copy to you faster than I can.
I believe we're in the same neck of the woods, globally speaking, so it wouldn't take long to arrive.



And I wouldn't worry about rushing things, as with 4 copies floating around and several weeks left I'm sure we'll have more than enough time to work things out.

Personally, I would urge people to take their time rather than watch them instantly like I did with The Only Son, as I found I had to rewatch the dang thing to "get" what I missed the first time around due to sleep deprivation! (and I know kerpan is probably dreading another inaccurate reading coming his way with Early Spring/Summer (whichever this one is) from me! But I've learned my lesson...)

But your offer is most appreciated should you be the first to get done with your copy. Arigatoo!


This is "Soshun" (Early Spring) as opposed to "Banshun" (Late Spring) or "Bakushu (called Early Summer, but really Barley Harvest Time). ;~}

This film is definitely worth watching more than once -- but I wonder if it has enough "eye candy" to make one want to watch it twice in a relatively short period of time? (I watched it twice in rather short order when I first got it -- buty then I'm especially fanatic).

This films is rather like "Only Son" in a way. While Ozu is very even-handed with the characters, his opinion as to the nature of the socio-economic setting in which they must exist is pretty unambiguous.


My favorite new film -- Take Care of My Cat:


Has anyone watched the trailers I tacked on at the end? Just curious.


My favorite new film -- Take Care of My Cat:


Who gets this copy that I'm watching this morning? The first one to PM me with an address will get a copy sent out this afternoon.



who's got the loot?
(now recapping the last week of production)


I can send this out to you tomorrow if you pm me your address. I don't think anyone else is waiting for a copy, so I think this should be okay.


Nice to see interest in this film. But only one thread?

Last film seen: Robert Bresson's Pickpocket - Brilliant!

