time for a remake!

Anybody else think that godzilla seems to be getting a lot of attention? i mean, cummon, there are plenty of Japanese monsters to remake movies of! Rodan is one of them! why cant we have a Rodan attack New York, or Toronto, or Chicago? and the human race could recruit godzilla somhow to fight Rodan. = clash of the titans!! = the coolest movie ever!

CUMMON writers... get a script goin!



No, please.

All the charm of Rodan would be swept away and replaced with big production effects and bloat. Everything that makes Rodan fun to watch, dubbing, the period special effects, dialog and 50s Japan era atmosphere would be wiped out.

Witness "The Fly" or "The Postman Always Rings Twice" and "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?".

Leave the "classics" alone unless the film makers can resist the temptation to poke fun at the subject, leave out the obligatory sex scenes, or inject a politically correct message into the movie.

I don't think modern producers, directors and writers are capable of respecting the source material other than using someone else's work to "improve" it with only their bloated egos to guide them.



I wish they'd leave the remakes and reboots in the circular filing cabinet.

Let the new generations come up with their own stuff instead of doing insipid rehashes.


You got it!!!! Well, sort of..."Godzilla, King Of The Monsters"! 2019
