Not THAT bad

It's not going to win any Oscars but I think 3.7 is a bit low. Take out the unnecessary narration and it would be better.

"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"


this is saved by lon chaney jr's screen impact, i think it's a mistake to cast him in villainous roles (as well as most running time without a speaking role), he is much more fitting as a good guy, perhaps getting a raw deal, but not give him an entirely bad guy role, unlike frankenstein's monster this was a responsible thinking man. this is not the universal "the wolf man" sort of quality, the story is similar to the frankenstein tale and the vibe is of an ed wood flick, everything suggests it's a b movie, it's typical of what movie hostess elvira would show in one of her presentations, i got this in a movie pack featuring fifty classic horrors, the picture quality is not top but quite watchable and the sound was okey too. by the way, i guess i shouldn't need to put a spoiler warning here... since... doesn't the movie poster here kind of give away the ending...? extraordinary. or maybe i got it wrong, but in some way it does.


thanks to her sailin away,
from worry some reality ordinary day,
rollin on colourful freight train,
onto stars rocketing through space,
thanks to darlin so lovely n steamy,
slippin on curves my mind in her big hair get lost n dreamy.
