where's the remake

He was like the Little Train that Could. Best. Soldier. Ever.


Awesome story, could make up with a bit of grit and acting ability what they would lose by Audie playing hiself.



AMEN! lagnafrah. Well said!



Look chief, if it ain't broke - don't fix it!
There ain't th' likes of Murphy out there today anyhow! Great soldier and underrated actor!


He was definitely exceptional but out of the half million men that served in WWII he was most probably not the very best soldier. That's like asking who the best baseball player is. Unanswerable.


Yeah, but how many other guys won this many medals?

Medal of Honor
Distinguished Service Cross
Silver Star (2 of those)
Bronze Star (2 of those)
Purple Heart (3 of those)
French Legion of Honor
French Croix de Guerre (2 of those)
Belgian Croix de Guerre

It wasn't like he just had one unbelievable day (like Sgt York) -- he showed exceptional bravery and effectiveness in multiple harrowing situations.


Hollywood doesn't make war hero movies anymore. There are some great Medal of Honor stories out there they could go with:

Roy Benavidez, Vietnam. He saved 12 Green Berets who were surrounded by Viet Cong, got them on a helicopter (which was shot down), then got them on another helicopter. Wounded 35 times and taken for dead. They originally recommended him for the Distinguished Service Cross because they didn't think he would live long enough for the Medal of Honor to go through.

Mitchell Paige, WW2. Held off 2 regiments of previously undefeated Japanese soldiers on Guadalcanal, after everyone in his unit was killed or wounded. He manned 4 machine guns by himself and held the hill overnight until help arrived. Then he joined the counterattack and pushed back the Japanese. Hasbro made him the face of the US Marine version of GI Joe.
