MovieChat Forums > To Catch a Thief (1955) Discussion > What are your Top 10 Favorite Movies?

What are your Top 10 Favorite Movies?

I know. It's hard to pick just ten. Anyway, here are mine in no particular order:

1. Psycho
2. My Best Friend's Wedding
3. Armageddon
4. To Catch a Theif
5. The Princess Bride
6. Braveheart
7. Dirty Dancing
8. Remember the Titans
9. The Man Who Knew Too Much
10. How the Grinch Stole Christmas(cartoon, completely underated)



Pillow Talk
West Side Story
The Notebook
Dumb and Dumber
Dial M for Murder
The Apartment
Monsters Inc
Some Like It Hot
Irma La Douce

and any movie with Jack Lemmon, Cary Grant, Doris Day


1)Star Wars
2)The Godfather
3)The Godfather Part II
5)The Seventh Seal
6)Rear Window
8)Back To The Future
9)Star Wars Episode V - Empire Strikes Back
10)Raiders of the Lost Ark


Lol why did you make a favourite films list on this film's board? Bit random. Anyway, mine are:
Apocalypse Now
The Godfather
Ctizen Kane
City of God
Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
Das Boot
No Country for Old Men
and The Will be Blood would be in the top five if it weren't for some flaws in the movie structure. One of my favourites, but not one of the best made. Check out my list.

My glorious list is And don't call me Shirley you *beep*


Star Wars IV
8 1/2
Solaris (1972)
The Seventh Seal
The Thing (1982)
My Neighbor Totoro
American Movie


It is very hard to pick, and mine tend to change, depending on what my viewing habits have been most recently. So, with that in mind, it's probably most accurate if I just name the first ones that come to mind lately.

Here they are (order may very):

1. Tea & Sympathy (1956)
2. The Innocents (1961)
3. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
4. Mommie Dearest (1981)
5. My Man Godfry (1936)
6. Auntie Mame (1958)
7. Mame (1974)
8. Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows (1968)
9. Harold & Maude (1971)
10. Something's Gotta Give (2003)

It's remarkable; when reading through the lists, I've noticed that it seems like most of the people on this board share a similar movie-taste and have quite a few favs in common! I guess one favorite movie does say a lot about one's personality---it definitely shows in terms of preferences! Interesting!

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


1. It's A Wonderful Life
2. Toy Story 1
3. Full Metal Jacket
4. Starship Troopers
5. Misery
6. Scarface (1983)
7. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
8. Toy Story 3
9. Let The Right One In
10. For A Few Dollars More


Nights of Cabiria
Blade Runner
Lost in Translation
Moby Dick (1956 John Huston directed w/ Gregory Peck, great friggin movie!)
Andrei Rublev
A Touch of Evil


10. Fantasia
9. Groundhog Day
8. Brazil
7. Inception
6. It’s a Wonderful Life
5. Vertigo
4. Gravity
3. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
2. The Elephant Man
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey


I haven't seen them all, yet, but....

1. The Double Life of Veronique
2. Three Colors Trilogy: Red
3. The Leopard
4. On the Waterfront
5. Vertigo
6. Chinatown
7. LA Confidential
8. To Kill a Mockingbird
9. Three Colors Trilogy: Blue
10. April Snow
