I live in NYC, and I'm very familiar with its hot, humid summers.
Yet the cast in this movie, especially the women, were impeccably groomed--not a hair out of place, not a bead of perspiration.
And most of the settings, like Grand Central Terminal, had no air-conditioning at the time.
Considering the fashions of the time, women were forced into girdles, stockings, and long-line bras, which were uncomfortable in ordinary circumstances, but were unbearable in summer heat; I know this because I came of age around that era.
In fact, the only characters really affected by the weather were Richard Sherman and the professor.
The Girl Upstairs claimed the summer was "killing" her, but you'd never know it from her unwilted appearance.

Not that it would ever happen, but if this movie was remade, I hope the actors would actually show the effects of summer in the city.

BTW, I was in Maine during the summer of 2010, and let me tell you, it can get hot and muggy there, too.


It's called entertainment dear! Nobody wants to see sweaty slobs, NOBODY! Well, at least I don't lol


Lol...I don't either 

Mag, Darling, you're being a bore.


Lol haha it's a ducking movie bitch, I'm from NY too


Fantasy romantic comedy, not documentary about humidity in New York City.
