Favorite scene / line?

Favorite scene: Has to be when Mr Roberts salutes the palm tree and tosses it overboard into the ocean.

Favorite line:
Hey, Lindstrom, what's the old man doing?

He's sitting in a chair leaning way foreward.

What's the Doc doing?

Doc's holding a wastebasket.

What wastebasket?

The one the old man's got his head in ... WHOOPS ... THERE HE GOES AGAIN!!!

If there were true peace on Earth, there would be no one alive to enjoy it.


Captain, it is I, Ensign Pulver, and I just threw your stinkin' palm tree overboard! Now what's all this crud about no movie tonight?

That line made me laugh and cry simultaneously.
//spent 10 years between the navy/naval reserves. I knew some fine
// lieutenant roberts, i was more of an ensign pulver...


It got me, too, because Lemmon did a passable imitation of Henry Fonda's voice when he said the line. The look on Cagney's face said it all: The 'scared of his own shadow' Ensign that he thought he could steamroll was going to be just as tough as Mr. Roberts had been....possibly tougher.

I do hope he won't upset Henry...


Captain going nuts after he discovers palm tree missing:



Alright....allll right.....whoooo did it? THIS IS CLASSIC CAGNEY


ROBERTS (to the Captain, but not looking like it's to the Captain): All right, all right, keep your shirt on. (to the men) All of you.


One of my favourite scenes is when we first see Ensign Pulver! And he's lying on the top bunk of the bunk bed and he has that big claw thing to open his locker and he gets something out of it! I can't remember it exactly! But I know I liked that scene a lot!

I also found it extremely cute when Pulver was reading that letter from Mister Roberts at the near end! It always keeps me silent during that bit! I'm always laughing at this movie, you see!

''It's a FIRECRACKER! I'll use fulminator mercury! I'll be right back!" - then he just comes back covered in soap! Bless him!

''Soap suds flying all around! It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!''

Jack Lemmon. You absolute GOD!


ROBERTS (to the SHORE PATROL officer): "That's what we call it in Nebraska, too."


Definatly the throwing the palm tree overboard scene; I'm not ashamed to admit that that scene has me grinning like an idiot every time I watch it.

But it's definatly difficult to choose; everyone (Fonda, Cagney, Lemmon, Powell, ect.) are all so perfect, and all have great moments.


Here's my absolute favorite line from "Mister Roberts." It does not appear in the movie, nor is it in the official script of the play. It also, I believe, is not in the original novel.

It is a line that began as an ad lib by Fonda in the Broadway production, and was usually left in:

ROBERTS: Fulminate of mercury! That stuff's murder! Do you think he (Pulver) means it?

DOC: Of course not. Where would he get fulminate of mercury?

ROBERTS: I don't know. He's pretty resourceful. Fourteen months out to sea, where'd he get the CLAP?


The last line spoken by Jack Lemmon:

"Captain, it is I, Ensign Pulver, and I just threw your stinkin' palm tree overboard! Now what's all this crud about no movie tonight?"

"Dry your eyes baby, it's out of character."


3 come instantly to my mind:

Ensign Pulver: "Pulver, Boy!!! There's WOMEN on THAT Island!"

Mister Roberts: "Doc, I've been living with a genius. A Toast, to Frank Thorlough Pulver, Soldier, Statesman, Scientist,-"
Doc: "-Friend of the Working Girl!"

...but most of all:
"Thanks for the Liberty, Mister Roberts. Thanks for everything."


Pulver: The captain wants to have dinner with me tomorrow night...(horrified) HE LIKES ME!

Captain: It's nice to see someone around here knows how to salute!
Captain: And busta, you ain't never gettin' off this ship!

This was already mentioned, but it's my favorite Cagney line....

"Alll right.....WHO DID IT!!!!"

God I love that man.

"Listen to them, children of the night. What music they make!" -- Dracula (1931)


"Captain, it is I, Ensign Pulver, and I just threw your stinkin' palm tree overboard! Now what's all this crud about no movie tonight?"

Like the destruction of the Death Star in Star Wars, this line is totally predictable ... and tremendously satisfying.

There's something different about you today, Mr. Laurio.


I can't believe no one has stated the funniest line in the film! "Can you name me another gender within a 1000 miles?!?!"


There's many!!

One of them probably when Mister Roberts puts the ribbon on his chest

i love this movie.


The confrontation between Roberts and Morton when Roberts managed to get liberty. This clash best showed the contrast between the characters with Roberts selflessly putting his own desires to one side in order for the crew to gain liberty. Whilst Morton showed himself to get a power hungry tyrant who seems to blame others for past experiences.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


I enjoyed when several guys could not remember where their battle stations were



"Doc in a minute, you'll start quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson."

"That is a LOUSY thing to say"

Of course I would like to know why Doc is so offended at the thought of quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson! :)


It's a magnificent scene. But at the same time comes the call from Roberts over the speaker, "Will the doctor please report to the Captain's cabin." Watch as William Powell slowly gets up and strolls, even slower, along the decks and up the ladder to the cabin where the captain is wretching into the waste basket. Powell's "there, there" is beautiful. Very understated and absolutely perfect.


Favorite scene:

When Mr. Roberts pins the medal to his lapel, salutes the men and walks out of his stateroom.

Favorite line"

"Captain, it is I, Ensign Pulver, and I just threw your stinkin palm overboard. Now what's all this crud about no movie tonight?"

After 10 years in the USN, I can say that there is alot of heart and truth in this movie, asides from the humor. Wonderful film.



"I hate all you smart college boys. Working as a busboy, 'Oh BOY! Boy my freind seems to have thrown up on the table. Clean that UP boy, won't cha?' And later on a ship as a steward, people pokin' ya with umbrellas, 'Watch out for that luggage BOY!'And I took it. For years I took it! Well now I don't have to take any more. You can take it for a change." Everyone who has ever worked while going to school has hear a variation of THIS rant from some bitter, ignorant, jerk who hates the job.

