Maria Corday Interview

Maria Corday was interviewed about her role in MAN WITHOUT A STAR and here's what she said about working with Kirk Douglas and Richard Boone:

“In ‘Man Without A Star,’ my option had just been picked up. Kirk Douglas has mellowed extremely since then. Early on in the film I played a whore—. There were two scenes at a dancehall. All the guys were leaning on the bar. All of us girls took a poll as to which butt was best. We picked Richard Boone’s. We told him, ‘'We pick you’' and Kirk heard. It made him so angry at me!

Publicity wanted a photo of Kirk grabbing me by the necklace—he grabbed it and almost choked me! When I said something he stated, ‘I'’m not acting! You should take this business more seriously. I don’t like your attitude and your kidding around.’ I said, ‘Go screw yourself, I just got renewed!’ How dare he tell me I can'’t kid around!

Kirk also treated little King Vidor, the director, badly. Whatever King said, he had to defer to Kirk. In the ‘70s— 13 or 14 years later, I met Kirk and now he’'s the sweetest man in the world!”

Here's the link if anyone wishes to read the rest of her interview and what she said about working with Audie Murphy and others:

Edited to correct punctuation.


Thank you for that. Very interesting


The reason, I guess, King Vidor deferred to KD was that the movie was being produced by KD's production company. Ergo, Vidor worked FOR KD, and that, rather than the inflated ego of an actor, explains a lot. It would be hard for someone not to be egotistical in his place. At the time this movie was made, he was hitting it big, he was well-liked, and I think there was a clause in his contracts that he had to appear shirtless at least once in every movie. This one was no exception, when he shows off his barbed wire scars. Amazing that at this date, he's still with us, a true Hollywood legend and leading man. They don't make 'em like that anymore, including his own son, IMHO.


Thanks for the link to the interview with one of my favorite actresses.


YW, happy to share information.

Bored now.


Sadly, her story supports the theory that Douglas was the one who brutally raped Natalie Wood when she was 16.

It doesn't prove it, but add credence to her daughter's reported claim along those lines.

Douglas was the closest I had to an idol when I was 8, at the time of this movie. I'm sad to think he might have been the perpetrator, but it's worth considering.

We never know who these "idols" really are. All we have to go on is their publicity. In the 50s that was more tightly controlled even than today.
