
I found many of Brando's stances and appearances quite homoerotic, given this was made 60 years ago. But then, many younger, fit boxers are held up as gay icons and possessing close to an ideal of a male physique. Anyone else feel a similar experience?


I guess not.


One scene, in particular, struck me. Brando goes into a bar (I think) with the group of mobsters right after Joey got pushed off the building. He was wearing a super tight shirt and a couple of the mob guys kept touching him.


My opinion on this movie with Marlon Brando and other leading male roles such as James Dean,for instance, are iconic for both hetero and homosexual masses. Straight men idolize them, straight women want to be with them, sometimes. Gay men want to be them, and gay men want to be with them,sometimes. It is all about perception. Anytime there is a leading role, whether male or female,that is attractive. (Remembering that beauty is in the eye of the beholder) there are people that are going to find them attractive hence eroticism. I do agree with you that there are some actors or actresses that can pull your attention in that way or in that manner more than others. I do think it is the person playing the part and also the wait is filmed and directed. So I will have to agree with you that there is any eroticism towards Brando in this film. But I don't think it favors one sexual orientation or another. Let's face it there are millions of people that love Brando. ?


Please excuse the miss spellings in my first reply. It was not I but the phone. I guess it decided to change my words after I already checked and rechecked to make sure everything was as it should be. They call them smart phones but I would say they are more of a smart a*s than anything.


One more thing, even though I do agree with you about the eroticism of the character in the movie towards Brando I will say this, Italians are very touchy people.( I cannot speak for all Italian peoples only myself and those I know ) And I'm assuming the mob that was running the union where Italian. I have to assume this because I do not recall them stating that as a fact. So you could say when it was written it was simply meant to show affection the way a lot of Italians are with each other. There's nothing erotic about it in the context of a bunch of guys or crew of a specific ethnic group will act with each other. I know this is stereotyping. It's not meant to be ignorant but I am just pointing out what and why they acted the way they did. Again I myself am half Italian and I can tell you that when I am around my familia everyone is kissing you, fixing your hair, trying to feed you,checking your clothes to see if they are ok, has their arm around you, patting you in your back, rubbing your shoulders, and any such manner of touching you. It's a connection, a belonging to each other, it is that you are of my blood and we show each other that not only with words and deeds but with physical touch. Many ,if not most, ethnic groups have the same or similar attributes as mine. But not all people are this way. Think of the movie , My Big Fat Greek Wedding. They were always trying to feed everybody; always trying to touch Ian's hair, etc. So look at that comparison of the scene when the guys are all touching Malloy. That's all they were doing. It's part of who they are. But it is understandable if you do not come from a family or extended family that is like that. You will not understand that it is simply an affection afforded towards that person they are either family with or buddies with. But it will be seen as a Homoerotic touching. And hey, if that's what it seems like to you go with it. as I've stated in a previous reply,if it is attractive to you and it turned you on then that's all that matters. That is why movies are directed and produced certain ways because they want you to feel those things. Sometimes on purpose and sometimes it just happens because of the way the actors play the scenes and play the parts. And yeah it can be erotic because if you picture yourself touching Brando that way and you are attracted to him it's going to be hot to you. That's all it comes down to.


Must you people see homoeroticism in everything! Me thinks it's the homo mind that sees such absurdities.
People ALWAYS project part of themselves into films. Everyone does it.

.;*We Live Inside A Dream*;.


They're just looking in a mirror...


You've got to be kidding -homoerotic? LOL


You can't be serious!! There was nothing "homoerotic" about this film. That's insulting.
