Something Serious To Say

Yeah, yeah, it's dated and rather silly, but "Devil Girl From Mars" actually has a serious message I was surprised to discover.

Characteristically skeptical scientist Prof. Hennessey (Joseph Tomelty) is ready to deny everything his eyes see of the totally undeniable extraterrestrial "visitor".

At one point, the professor accompanies the martian aviatrix to her alternator-shaped spaceship. As Nyah haughtily explains the scientific basis of the craft she flew to Earth, the professor insists that it is all absolutely impossible and improbable.

To which Nyah answers, to parahprase, just because your science cannot conceive of it doesn't make it not so.

In other words, we had a head start and have discovered things you won't discover for a long time yet.

The attitude reminds me of skeptical scientists insisting that UFOs cannot be exterrestrial craft because the distance between us and their home stars would be too great, and so transit would be impractically lengthy.

I mean, think of how much rocket fuel they would have to carry just to get here!


Ever hear of worm-holes???


Yes, and who's to say that a sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial race would not find a way to use wormholes to transit space in a non-linear manner.

Probably only one of several ways to traverse vast expanses of space in a relatively short period of time.

Given time, even we will discover some of these.


IN my opinion(and this is only MY humble opinion), not only have the et's been here before, (think Roswell, New Mexico), but they've been observing us for years, and they are the one's who were ultimately responsible for our technology today. It all happened after 1947. Do you think, we, as human beings, could have been that technologically advanced, that we would have discovered computer chips, micro-technology, etc. etc. Nah!! don't think so. Ever since they found that aluminum looking material at the Roswell crash site, (and god only knows what else is stored in Area 51), well between that and whatever is at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle, well, I just hope I'm alive long enough for there to be an announcement on television that "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have just been given an accouncement by the State Department). Everything you think you know about extra terrestrials, well, we have new infomation. They actually landed at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Blah, blah blah). I'd pay big time to see that announcement. Enough with all the Independence Day and Star Wars Movies. We need the government to actually share what knowledge they actually have.

See, this is just my opinion!!!!!

But I really think I'm right. What do you think?


An honest opinion on your part, but amazingly, the ETs never sent a second ship to find out what happened to the first one at Roswell - obviously a super race that doesn't care about its people (sic), or don't they have GPS. And in a nation where the government can't keep anything secret, this one has held out for 50+ years. I'd love to believe in the X-Files too, but all you have to do is watch "UFO Week" on the Discovery Channel and you will see the light, and unfortunately it's not from space. Long Live MUFON.


Listen to me. The government let's you know what they want you to know. It's called intelligence. Not the intelligence of someone's brain, but the word intelligence means information. There is so much conspiracy going on in this nation, it's unbelievable. And we cannot be the only inhabited planet in a universe filled with galazies, moons, etc. Just not feasible. I think, what we are, is an experiment. People are watching us kill each other with our stupid wars. Once we've annihilated ourselves, in they will come and just take over. Makes perfect sense to me. I mean think about it. Why else would they allow the Tobacco industry to keep killing us. They even put it on a pack of cicigarettes. But they know that people will still buy cigarettes, and cigarettes kill. They have raised the price of cigarettes to almost $10 a pack. People still will buy cigarettes. It's a legal way for them to kill us . I once asked someone, "why does the government still allow the Tobacco industry to sell cigarettes?" and that person responded "because the Tobacco industry funds the government. As a matter of fact, there was an article in my local paper last week. I could not believe what I was reading. It was about health care and why it's more profitable for the insurance companies if we smoke than not smoke. Want to know why?? Because Lung Cancer kills sooner, than Alzheimers. A person can live a longer (much longer) time with senile demential than they do with Lung Cancer. So it's draining resources. So if you smoke, you die sooner, and they don't have to cover you, or pay for your care as you get older, but aha, if you live long enough you will develop senile demential, you will have to be housed, cared for, etc. That costs money. So to the big guys in government, they would rather see you smoke than not smoke. It's all in what goes in their pockets. So if the government can think like this (and I read this in the papers, I'm not making anything up, this just tells me that the government does not have our best issues in mind, therefore, why would I believe absolutely one word that the government tells me. I wouldn't believe their story on Roswell for all the tea in China.

They are definitely covering up something. Don't know what it is. I'm not a nut or anything. I just put the pieces together and read the newspapers. What I read last week cinched it for me. The guy actually said that it's cheaper if a person gets Lung Cancer. That made me ill. Now I know why Big Tomacco can continue to sell cancer sticks.Don't mean to deviate off the topic. But I'm just venting today. Sorry. It said on my mother's death certificate "cause of death. --- Cigarette Smoking. Now this was 13 years ago. Why hasn't the government stepped up and banned all cigarettes. Because it's all about money. Sorry to go on and on.


Can you imagine the outrage if the government "banned" smoking? How people would scream that it's a violation of their rights? Everything you said makes absolutely no sense. And where the hell do you live that people are paying $10 for a pack of cigarettes?

It's undeniable that there are things going on in the government that you don't know about - and there's a reason for that - but there is no great conspiracy. Roswell? C'mon!


visit norway
one pack of cigs $18+
one pack of tobacco $30+
no smoking allowed in bars, pubs, public buildings, and steadily increasing ban on smoking in your office and so forth
oh..and the government is actually the people selling tobacco, they are the ones racking in the highest profit through their tax on tobacco, then their sales tax and so on.

as for aliens visiting earth
hah! if they have been watching our tv they have probably declared the solar system off limits, with warning bouys for any aliens not knowing us and probably a few automatic battlemoons aiming at to stop us ever leaving the solar system.
humans are unreliable shifty unthrustworthy scum


If our saturn probe would suddenly crash and dissapear, its doubtful we would send one right away. whos to say that the ship that suppsoedly crashed there wasnt a automateid exploration probe? whos to say they coudl track their probe from thier own planet? maybe it was automated exploration route probe (some of which we send out aswell) and it just happened to crash in our planet.
Also if you look at wikipeaks recent discovery, there were mroe secrets than you coudl think of that would probably be never disclosed. if the original group of people who knew about it was small, it could have held out easily. i mean for all we know those who kenw could have been assasinated, wouldnt be first time.
i am by no ways implying that the definatelly was ET crash there, but the fact that the explanatinos you give are simply incorrect.

"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire




Worm holes are hypothetical. Until someone creates one and sends a photon through it, they are pure fantasy!


Our methods of space travel are not far removed from the fireworks the Chinese were setting off centuies ago.

Part of the reason we have adanced so little is because research has been focused on flinging bombs at one another. For that purpose, chemical rockets are fine. Why spend money researching interstellar space travel when all you have to do is dump big bombs on people half way around the world.

Billions upon billions are dumped into developing weapons. A tiny fraction of that is spent on the pure research that could develop true space travel.

“That may be true, but it is also irrelevant.”


and that is what 'they' want you to believe... they already are in space... ever watched the docu about the nazi with there ufo's??? really interesting.


Yes, and who's to say that a sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial race would not find a way to use wormholes to transit space in a non-linear manner.

Considering that Nyah came from Mars, then i don't think she used something as a wormhole to travel from Mars to Earth.

Looking at it from a Star Trek perspective, she might have an engine on her spaceship, that is very similar to the Impulse drive, that they have on the starships in Star Trek.
Using that type of engine at full power, you will be traveling at 167 million mph, which means that traveling between Earth and Mars only takes about 13 minuttes.
