So was this person right?

Told some guy I had seen Tokyo Story, and that half way through I found myself tired out.

He person said that's what it was supposed to do. That it was depressing, and about old people, and that it was "slow" for a reason, and because it was "slow", and sad, and depressing, and had two elderly people as central characters. I should have been tired out by it. I was supposed to find the film draining.

Anyone else agree?

keep in mind, I made no reference to liking or disliking the film to him and I make no such reference her either.

"The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."


I think we were certainly supposed to see the depressing perspective of life from the grandparents' point of view. However, as for the pacing of the film itself intentionally reflecting the fatigue of old age, there were some scenes where there were only young people present and they moved slowly as well. That's my argument against it, but I respect that opinion on the film and think it's open to interpretation.


Not just that, but everything is more than just a story. It's a view into their culture at that time and place. You tend to really feel like what it was like to be living their lives.


Definitely felt like a looooong slowwww but some what pleasant trek.
