What is the Cop's Problem

Like Gene said he's "singin' and dancin' in the rain". As far as I can tell he's not disturbing the peace.

I still had a ham sandwich for lunch and my mom makes great pork chops-George Allen


I wish there were more cops on the streets of major cities today who can put a halt to people acting like lunatics.
Maybe there would be less street violence.


Not sure what your objection is. The cop doesn't arrest Don Lockwood; he doesn't even reprimand him. He simply looks at him.

And since Don is in the street at that moment, and streets often have cars driving down them, it's perfectly understandable that a policeman would take notice of his activity. But that's all he does; he takes notice of it. I think it's a nice way of bringing a musical sequence back to reality - and Kelly plays the moment beautifully.


He could not grasp Gene Kelly's true form.



The cop thought he was looking at a drunk-and-disorderly. No breathalyzers in those days, so glaring was his warning to Don. "Start acting sober, whether you are or not, and I won't have to haul you in."


He saw him climb up the lamp post, which was city property and might have been damaged.


Good thing GK wasn't black and got off lightly
