'Delaware Tech'

Notice Leo Carroll's look of disappointment after he asks if the professor on the train was from Harvard and Guy replies that he was from Delaware Tech? Nice little touch.

"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"


I'm from Delaware and always am tickled by the multiple Del Tech mentions in this movie.


I'm from Europe and I had to laugh with that scene.


it's a great state! 

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.-Albert Camus🍁


Are they referring to Delaware Technical community college?

I live in DE but not originally from here and was trying to find info on Delaware Tech as referenced in the 1951 film.
On Wikipedia it says that the Del tech community college was established in 1966.

So is there some other Delaware Tech? Thanks for any info.


I noticed that when I re-watched last night for the first time in I don't know how many years.
It's also the way he says "Harvard?" so excitedly, but yeah, that look of disappointment when it was 'only' Delaware Tech was gold
