MovieChat Forums > I Love Lucy (1951) Discussion > Pregnant Women are Unpredictable (Must B...

Pregnant Women are Unpredictable (Must Be Hormones!)

I just pulled out this episode the other day along with the other baby shows. I try to rotate my favorite sitcoms so they stay fresh. For some reason I had a dream about this very episode the other night.

I was describing to a woman all the baby names Lucy tried and discarded. Scott or Pamela. Gregory or Joanne. The simple John or Mary. And my favorite- Sharon or Pierpont. lol

It's been a while since I've watched them and I was reminded how clever they were. And they were so classy, lest the network censors have a fit over the word "pregnant". I read that a priest, rabbi and minister read over the scripts to see if anything was in poor taste. They didn't object to the word pregnant but the network did. Where did they think little TV fans came from? The stork?
The "Lucy is Enceinte" episode is a classic. Apparently it was okay to say it in French! The ending always chokes me up. Desi is so excited that he messes up the lyrics to "Rock a Bye Baby" and has to be prompted by the band to "sing the baby song!"

I love the ending when the Arnazes have the reality of the moment hit them and they are both in tears. It always makes me teary-eyed.
'The English Tutor" is hilarious. Lucy wants to create an atmosphere of culture and learning for her child and as usual goes way overboard. Fred's schoolboy outfit and Mr. Livermore's response is a gem.

"Mrs. Mertz you've passed on your bad speech habits to your son."

In these episodes Lucy is at her loveliest. They say pregnant women are radiant and Lucy did have a special glow in all these episodes. She looked beautiful.


These eps are hit or miss with me. I don't care for the ep of Lucy finding out she's pregnant (yes, the "We're Having a Baby" finale is pleasant, but I see this scene every December in the Christmas show). I also don't enjoy "Pregnant Women are Unpredictable" or the baby's birth. The only funny scene is getting Lucy into a cab, but, again, I see this scene every year in the Christmas ep.

I enjoy season two, but I prefer the shows before and after the pregnancy arc.


Well, how about the episode when Lucy throws Ricky a "Daddy Shower" because he was feeling neglected? I love the scene at the end when Lucy and Ethel crash the party disguised as reporters.

Ethel asks Fred how he saw through her disguise. Fred-'You're wearing a disguise?" lol

I really thought you would have enjoyed the English tutor episode. Don't know why. Just thought you'd like it.

But I shouldn't be surprised that you don't care for the baby episodes. You have said that you didn't like the All in the Family episodes when they had baby Joey.
