MovieChat Forums > Where the Sidewalk Ends Discussion > Similarity with Double Indemnity (1944)

Similarity with Double Indemnity (1944)

Hello. Anyone else notice the plot similarities with Double Indemnity? The idea of both men in the films pretending to be the man they murdered. I love this plot line - the bravery of it, and of knowing who did it and being with them as they try to get away with the crime.


Yes, there is that similarity, come to think of it. Whereas Kneff put on a fake cast and used some crutches, Dixon puts on Paine's overcoat and hat, carries his Army satchel, and places a piece of adhesive under one of his eyes.


Dixon didn't murder Paine. He hit him in self defense, and Paine was killed when he hit his head on the floor. But yes, impersonating the dead guy is something the two movies have in common.
