MovieChat Forums > The Snake Pit (1948) Discussion > The Snake Pit= a sexist film about women

The Snake Pit= a sexist film about women

First impression and i've read a lot about 1950s post-WWII America, the "crazy" woman, a warning to men that their wife maybe a nutcase, probably because she's sleeping around and has a paying job.

If this film wanted to be accurate it would show the man insane, the post-war veteran having some issues. Why is he perfectly fine and only the wife is crazy? Must because they have no kids.

"And then I was being chased my an improperly filled in bubble screaming 'None of the above!' ".


I don't think it was a political film in that way at all. It's based on a book which was based on one woman's personal experiences in a psychiatric hospital. It was not meant to be a blanket statement about women with careers and there was nothing about "sleeping around" either. Really, I think it was a pioneering film finally acknowledging psychoanalysis and its role in helping people.

Have you actually watched the film?


Haven't seen this yet, about to Watch, maybe it was sexist, it was made in the 40s anyway. But personally Interested to watch a movie about a woman with a mental illness, that's why I'm seeing this and too because I wnat to see how it was in the 40s.

Not everyone are mentally ill, propably the man just happened to be the one who was healthy.
