Peter Cushing

is hilarious! :) Anyone else like Osric?


Yes, I think Peter is excellent as Osric.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." (Matthew 7:12)


Even though my favorite version of Hamlet is by Kenneth Branagh, I think Cushing was a better Osric than Robin Williams!


Everyone loves Osric!

Cushing's was great. I think a seldom-appreciated quality of Osric is that he is a real weapons geek, loves high-quality swords of all types, can catalog them backwards and forward and relishes the idea of a ripping good evenly-matched duel. Cushing captured that for me, and of course fulfilled all the comic potential of the character.

Think cynical thoughts.


He's perfect, so flamboyant and over-the-top, exactly as Osric should be! And to think this is the same man who would be the skull-faced, buttoned-up Grand Moff Tarkin later. :D


Valar morghulis


He was a joy to watch, great casting!
