Favorite scene/quotes?

I love Natalie Wood's face reacting to Kris Kringle blowing a bubble with the gum...it's perfect!

Also...the drunk Santa: "A man's gotta do SOMETHIN' to keep warm!"

And Thelma Ritter, who I love. "I don't get it!"

Live, live, live! Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!


The part where Natalie Wood says of Santa Claus, "At least this one doesn't wear glasses!" and wrinkles up her nose.


Poor, naive Kris picking gum out of his beard! :P

"Cold air makes them grow!"


Where Prosecutor Mara, unsettled after his son's appearance on the stand, concedes the existence of Santa Claus, but continues:
"We now ask that Mr. Gailey produce authoritative proof that Mr. Kringle is the one and only Santa Claus."
The judge answers, "Your point is well taken, Mr. Mara; I'm afraid we must agree."
The judge glances at Charlie, who nods--Mr. Mara has made a valid point.


That should be "Kringle," not "K ringleader"; the damn smartphone misedited my posting again! >:(


Charlie: "But if you do [rule there's no Santa Claus], you can count on getting just two votes. Your own, and that district attorney's out there."
Judge Harper: "The district attorney's a Republican."

The movie is not kind to Democratic Party political machines!


I love the approvong nod that William Frawley gives the judge after the case is dismissed, complete with a big 'ol stogie sticking out of his mouth.

Guts: The magazine for real men.


The scene in Macy's cafeteria, I especially love that last line.

Kris: What else has he [Sawyer] found wrong with you, Alfred? Anything else?
Alfred: No... Oh, just that I hate my father. I didn't know it, but he says I do.
Kris: And he sees you every day?
Alfred: Yeah, I just sit in the chair and say anything that comes into my head.
Kris: Excuse me, Alfred. A few things have just come into MY head, and I'm going to say them!

Also, the first scene at the courthouse where Mr. Gailey encounters Sawyer in the atrium has always been one of my favorite scenes. I love when Gailey first realizes who he is and says, with a knowing look on his face, "Oh, so YOU're Sawyer." And then when Sawyer asks him to "put this matter through quietly" and "with as little publicity as possible," which actually gives Gailey the idea of using publicity to win his case: "Very interesting.... publicity's just the way to win this case." Then he pats Sawyer on the shoulder (condescendingly), and says: "THANKS, Mr. Sawyer." Then, Gailey strides away from Sawyer, as he (Sawyer) realizes what he's done, calling after him in vain... "Oh, Mr. Gailey... Mr. Gailey, one moment please..." Then Sawyer turns around as he twists his eyebrow nervously.



all of the wonderful scenes and quotes posted proves how terrific this movie is. so unlike the violence, sex, special effects, and nasty language that make up so many of todays films .


"Just think if Mr. GIMBEL had seen the other one."

Well, the city's being built and I'm winning this game. So don't interrupt us with trifles.


There are so many.

But I think the one I like is the one that is missing from every remake:

The mail sorters at the Post Office getting the brilliant idea to take all of the Dear Santa letters from the dead letter office and deliver them to the court house, thus "proving" Kris is Santa Claus.

Every remake has tried to find a different way to prove Kris is Santa Claus. And of course in our modern post office, this would never happen.

Which is why the original movie is so precious. Because back then, it could have happened just that way.

And the lynchpin of the entire movie rests on the shoulders of some nameless bit players.


Absolutely the scene with the judge and his political advisor.

"What happens when the kids read in the papers there's no Santy Claus? They don't put up their stockings. What happens to the toys that are supposed to go into those stockings? Nobody buys them. The toy manufacturers are going to like that. So they're going to have to lay off a lot of employees. UNION employess. Now you've got the CIO and the AF of L against you. And they're going to adore you for that. And they'll say it with votes. And what about the Christmas card makers, and the candy makers? And what about the Salvation Army? They put a Santy Claus on every corner, and they rake in a fortune. But go ahead, Henry. Go out there and say the New York State Supreme Court says there's no such thing as Santy Claus. Go ahead.


"But if you do remeber this. This November you can count on just two votes. Your own, and that District Attorney's out there."

(Judge shakes his head.)

"The District Attorney's a Republican."
