Anne or Kathy?

Which one did you think was better suited for Philip?


Not going to read this whole thread, but I need to assert somewhere that I think Anne/Celeste was ALWAYS the hottest girl in the room!

Smart is sexy.


Anne or Kathy?
Anne is the far superior person, but Phil is not attracted to her. Case closed.
Kathy, well, he is attracted to her and in the end goes to her, but wisely the last scene is left unscripted because, in my opinion, their future relationship is hopeless.
It is not about her views on anti-semitism though. Kathy will not be allowed to express views on any subject that Phil does not agree or approve of. They have fallen out a number of times over the Jewish question, until she finally comes around. The dynamic is in place for his constant judgment of her and her falling short on any number of "moral" issues in the future. She'd be a fool to enter into a marriage with him.
Of Kathy's mild form of antisemitism, well, it's hard to believe that by the end of the film she's seen the light, for there is no light for her to see!
She said it, she's glad she's not Jewish. Now, we are to believe that she's not so glad? Why shouldn't any of us be glad to be who we are as well as who we are not?
Also, I think it is valid for your potential spouse's religion to make a difference. She was insincere when she said it wouldn't make a difference for which I give her credit, for her insincerity that is.
Phil comes off as a sanctimonious, self righteous bully.
Anne. She's OK. She doesn't know how lucky she is to have the dodged the bullet.


Anne. Together they would make a most powerful couple. She is something else, so confident, so accomplished and yet vulnerable to his very presence. And she would be a fantastic mother to Tom, exactly what he needs to follow in his father's steps. Aside from the fact that he does not love Anne I can't figure out why he would loiter Kathy. She's as a phony as a $3 bill and is weak on so many fronts. He'd interrupt his life to take her on. She doesn't want Tom. I'm not even sure she wants Phil and aside from "wanting" her I'm not even sure Phil loves her. At this point in Phil's life Anne would be the wise choice and he'd never look back.

And Anne fights. She fights for Phil, for Tom and for the issues that Phil cares profoundly for and that Dave gives the Dutch uncle treatment to Kathy at the end. Dave wouldn't have to badger Anne into it. Anne wrote that script, that treatment every single frame she moves in.

I watched it again last night and it's maddening, absolutely maddening that he picks her. GD it!


I'm pretty sure choosing Kathy was what the audience of the time expected and wanted. Kathy would fit easily into the post war stereotype of what an upper middle class housewife should be. Anne, on the other hand, would have been hell on wheels at PTA meetings, demanding civil rights for all and spouting socialist ideas. The audience wouldn't have wanted to be confronted with such a trouble maker in real life and wished Phil could be spared the anxieties of living with her. Maybe that's what Phil thought, too. Choosing Kathy meant the movie could end on a cozy they all lived happily ever after note.


I was hoping for Anne from the first time they met. And, I was excited when he went to visit her and the speech she gave. I was sure that meant that he was going to end up with her. I really think that the two of them made a much better match. Kathy had the wrong viewpoints and even after talking to Dave, I don't think that she would have had the right way of looking at things. Like one other person said, she was pretty much stating that being pretty is good, ugly is bad. Being rich is good, poor is bad. Being Christian is good, Jewish is bad. With that type of attitude and thinking, she was not going to suddenly change her viewpoints from that one conversation with Dave. I am not even sure she would ever reach the right way of looking at things. I also agree that not further exploring the relationship with Anne after that speech she gave was a let down in the movie. They left that whole thing hanging.
