MovieChat Forums > The Stranger Discussion > 100 things I learned from 'The Stranger'

100 things I learned from 'The Stranger'

1) If knocked out by a weight on a chain for several hours (enough time for a murder and a wedding)aspirin will take care of the pain.
2)If your husband tells you he's murder a funny little foreigner and your beloved family dog, wrap your arms around him and plot how you can assist in alluding others.
3)If you hold a phone against your chest your father will not here you shouting to your husband in the other room.
4)An expert on bells and silver appear to be a convincing cover.
5)It only takes a short time to bury a body in the woods by yourself with a shovel, but mostly using your hands. Don't forget to bury the hat 4" below ground level.
6)Orson Welles is creepy, but did not seem to be a suspicious character in Harper, CT.
7)Always leave your suitcase when on an important mission with the storekeeper you just met.
8)I'd rather take my animals to the vets in 1946, the autopsy was quicker than a HS class dissecting a frog.
9)When in fear that your loved one will soon be murdered, send the maid to protect her. That's what they needed in WWII, maids to defend the innocent from the Nazi Party.
10)It is unimaginable that a woman would ever deface a wall hence the sign in the phone booth is for gentlemen only!


Number 10 cracks me up!

11) If you let a prisoner escape by leaving every single door open for them, they will not suspect a thing.


12) Telling someone that you have found Jesus and get him to pray with you is very believable 5 minutes after attempting to murder someone in a school.

13) It's a simple task to hold someone up by one arm 60 feet in the air and have a conversation with them. Orson should have been a fireman.

14) It's ok to murder someones family pet, as they will forgive you on the spot.


15) Small town pharmacists do not believe in sleeping pills - a man does a days work (like playing checkers all day), man gets a night's sleep.

16) The stench of buring flesh is hard to get out of your clothes.


17) If you're hunting a Nazi criminal, turn to a high schooler as your most trusted confidant.


18) Everyone has time for a game of Checkers. Even when contemplating murder.


Actually, the game of checkers was to establish an alibi.


Actually, according to Loretta Young, Welles actually did this; good thing he didn't slip ;-)

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


she was skinny. he could easily hold her up for a few minutes.


You know what would be fun?? If we did this for every movie ever made!! Because surely you all don't think this is the only movie to ever moderately bend the rules of reality and/or logic. Right? I mean....right??


An alibi costs a quarter.


19) It's no problem to have your teenage son spend all of his time with an unknown "antiques dealer" that just happened to wander into town.


20) when you fling a rope 200 feet across a gym in the air, it'll clock someone on the back of the head right where you want it to every time.
21) As long as you're in a row-boat, people don't mind if a stranger asks very personal questions about their family.
22) When someone asks where you're going, if you say "It's a secret!", they will have a heart attack.


the heart attack was faked to keep her from going


I agree with you all that all these things you come up with make this movie not very realistic and even humorous (unintentionally).

I have read the book written by the great French director Francois Truffaud about the master diretor Alfred Hitchcock. The thing that I rememebered from this book is that Mr. Hitchcock stated that credibility in movies is not relevant. It is the entertainment that is relevant. When all what happened in the movie is credible than you will have a documentary.

For me this was an eye opener.



You know what would be fun?? If we did this for every movie ever made!!

It's actually pretty common on here.


10)It is unimaginable that a woman would ever deface a wall hence the sign in the phone booth is for gentlemen only!
The sign is aimed at the students of the Boy's School who frequent the shop after class. It is to be expected that adults are not vandals.

"Tell me about the squares, Buzzie."


23.) When somebody doesn't want to do something for you, simply shout, "It's a command!" at the top of your lungs and then the person will do it.


actually, depending on the shouter and the shoutee, it is very possible.

'God is a kid with an ant farm' Constantine


24)When a Nazi war criminal attempts to enter the US, he need only to tell the border guard he's traveling for his health and they'll let him right through.

25) At New England colleges in the 1940s it was customary for a father to refer to his daughter as "sister".

26) Franz Kindler is very concerned about Noah's life (if he dies his blood'll be on your hands), even though he plotted to kill his wife (Noah's sister).

27) If you help Edward G Robinson catch the bad guy you'll grow up to be the father in Nanny and the Professor.

28) Karl Marx is the only example of a German who believes in freedom.

29) If you're a sleeping detective and a dying dog wakes you up, you'll suddenly realize that a history professor with no trace of a German accent was the architect of the Holocaust.

30) In the 1940s guys in shorts chased each other around campus yet they were straight.

31) If you've found Jesus, you will travel from Germany to Connecticut in order to attempt to convert Franz Kindler.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


32. Wearing a visor makes you unbeatable in checkers.

33. Always carry around your films of The Holocaust for dull nights at home.

34. Nazis on the lam in Connecticut are fearful of boys throwing shredded paper around a forest.

35. The proper pronounciation of Harper, Connecticut can said as either 'Harper' or 'Hah-pah.'


36. In 1946 Connecticut, all you had to do was frantically push open a door to someone's home and blurt out, "I may come in?" and people would just stand there and make small talk while you walk around their house.

37. It only takes about 5 seconds and minimal effort to strangle a man to death with your bare hands.

38. No one in Harper thinks you are odd if you constantly walk around looking like your head is about to explode and your eyes are bulging out of their sockets.

39. It takes a world class Nazi hunter hours to notice his prime suspect made an anti-Semitic remark.

40. Six shot revolvers can fire seven bullets when shot at Nazis.


42. If you successfully blackmail someone you'll leave your suitcase with the man at the depot, since you can now afford better.

43. Checkers is a game you have to keep your mind on.

44. The best way to convince someone you're not a Nazi war criminal is by advocating annihilation.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


45. Your husband always,"knows what's best".


46. If you don't want your employer to leave just pretend to have a heart attack--works every time!

47. If a detective is injured falling down the stairs and tells you to go to the clock tower to save your sister, you won't bother to go, however he'll magically appear at the top of the tower (by Star Trek transporter perhaps?)

48. If you want to look evil just grow a mustache.

49. If you know that Franz Kindler set a deadly trap for his wife, you should look for it yourself and since you're lucky won't die.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


50. Aspirin and coffee cost 3 dollars back then. Seems a tad expensive....even for Connecticut.


51. The founder of that discount muffler company was a Nazi war criminal.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


I was thinking the same thing!


41. If your wife won't let you leave her, because she loves you in spite of your criminal past, stay, kill her and take your chances with an encroaching mob.



800 hundred foot clocktower

That's one tall clock tower.


53. After promising your husband to protect his guilt, deciding to "keep your cool," and planning to deny knowledge of any wrong-doing during a suspicious meeting with a known detective at your father's house, you instead act completely guilty (both with words and body language) while questioned, proceed to have a "melt-down," becoming hysterical, the scene ending with deep uncontrollable sobbing while embracing "Adam."

54. Not only does your father call you "Sister," but you address him only by "Adam."

55. Remember, "In Harper, there's nothing to be afraid of."

56. When looking to marry as refuge while on the run for the most extreme of crimes (and punishment), always pick a wife from a high-profile family. Also a woman who is indiscreet, overly-emotional, likes to talk too much, and answers all questions with extra information not even asked for. Make sure she isn't very bright, either.

57. "The Stranger" shows up in a small, closely knit New England town, looking and acting, well, strange. His sudden appearance coincides with the murdered "little man," the poisoned dog, etc.. Yet neither the town folk nor police force look into Kindler as the obvious suspect. Only Wilson, who was tailing him, figured his probable role in these local crimes.

57. By all means, let your wife continue the employ of an unnecessary former nanny/current mother-surrogate, as with the live-in maid. Particularly since said wife has no children and does not work outside the home! Under no circumstances are you to fire this maid even while all eyes are on you when under investigation, especially with her obvious snooping. Even though you could terminate her with reasonable grounds: 1. As newlyweds, you are entitled to a healthy amount of privacy; 2., Your wife and this older woman have an inappropriate relationship for a woman now married and in her late-thirties. She should cut the apron strings...and be allowed to say, "I have a secret!" She accused this maid of fussing. Yet, NO. From the beginning, put up with the busy-body interrupting your conversations, obviously in hearing range of your loud arguments pertaining to your war crimes, her insubordination, and so on. What is the worst thing that could happen? She turns out to be the decoy that ultimately led to your demise? NAAAAAAH...

58. "Good Night, Mary. Pleasant Dreams!" is completely fitting for a detective to say to a woman who became a widow only minutes ago after her husband desperately tried to first kill HER. It definitely makes everything alright again. If, in the past few weeks, your dog was killed, you married a Nazi war criminal who didn't really love you, he's killed several people, and you were to be next, you are on the verge of a "nervous breakdown," if you haven't lost your mind already...


59. Not only is Orson Wells one of the world's greatest actors, directors, but he's also a good judge of what films are great and which aren't. Guess which category he put this one in?

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)


HAHAHA!! I especially love 36. Bravo!


This was a weakness in the film though. When the scene plays out we assume the photographer is intimidated because of the invocation of the 'high authority'. We assume there is such an authority that the photographer knows about and is afraid of. Later we find out he's just talking about God. The photographer would have been just as nonplussed as we are.

"I command you in the name of the high authority!"

"What are you talking about?"

"God! I command you in God's name!"


"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."


60)If you want to find the most heinous criminal of all time, just release someone who was a friend from jail - he'll lead you right to him.


61. It's less suspicious when you are denying to have seen a person on a picture before you actually look at the picture.

62. As said: Even a nazi "can look like like other people and act like other people, when it's to their own benefit", just like vampires.

63. It's smart to wait for someone to murder your daughter just to prøve that he's a nazi.

64. If you are hunting a desperate war criminals and killer, the first thing you should do is climb a steep lader in a church tower, because he simply can't have tried to plan another murder.

65. If you're a nice hunter of criminals, you obviously say "Good night, nice dreams" as the films last lines to a woman which just have been killing off her own man in a church tower.


66. In 1946 New England, German history professors were in high demand and short supply.

67. Hanging sheer curtains in your new home hours before your wedding ceremony and destination honeymoon is of utmost importance.

68. If no existing photo of the Nazi Holocaust architect exists, DON'T question or go through the negatives of the only passport photo photographer his friend that you're tailing visits.


69. If you wish to know the whereabouts of Franz Kindler, go to the nearest photographer and demand it in the name of the highest authority. He'll think you mean Hitler, so tell you, even though you mean God.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of Hollywood... (;-p)



71. German mass murderers are amazing linguists. They can speak English just like native-born Americans.

72. If teenage boys are chasing after little pieces of paper in the forest, just gather up some of the paper scraps, toss a few of them off to one side, and the boys will run in a totally different direction, oblivious that their paper trail ran out after a few feet.

73. It is not at all suspicious to those around you to repeatedly and pointedly bring up the time while trying to establish an alibi.

74. It is absolutely required for an intelligent history teacher to write down his plans to murder his wife and establish an alibi in big block print on a small piece of paper, refer to the incriminating piece of paper frequently, hold it in his hand while playing checkers, and then suspiciously burn the paper in front of a witness. He is simply incapable of remembering that he is supposed to leave at 4:00 or be back at home at 4:05.

75. Figurines on medieval clocks carry deadly, well-sharpened, authentic swords.

76. It was perfectly acceptable to advocate mass extermination of Germans at family dinner in Connecticut in 1946.

77. If you are on the run from the authorities, hide in your favorite spot in town. Surely, they will never think to look for you there.


78. Teenage boys running around town and littering is a perfectly acceptable past time in 1946.


You seemed to enjoy posting on this thread every few months or so, then suddenly stopped. Thought I'd reply to you to re-spark the old habit ;-)

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


79. At the family dinner after the newlyweds come back from their honeymoon, its ok for her brother
to ask the bride if "she kept her knees together and that apparatus in place" !?!
(WTF really? Ya think she gave up "apparatuses" since she got married - lol)

Interesting family - as dad calls his daughter "sister" and she
calls him by his first name.

They pulled a mind scramble on us! They opened their eyes and talked! The Lost Boys


The Devil is in the details.


80. The first Hollywood film to present documentary footage of the Holocaust.


Three of the four post-liberation scenes included in The Stranger are from Nazi Concentration Camps (1945), a film assembled by George Stevens, James B. Donovan and Ray Kellogg and used as evidence in the Nuremberg Trials.


Karl Marx was a jew, not a german.


80. None of the other Nazi leaders bothered to hide their identities, because they planned to conquer the world. But Kinzler was smarter than that and figured they would lose and he'd be a fugitive someday, so he kept his identity secret.

