Ban Jungle Book Too!

I mean come on...the only part in this movie for a black man was as an ape...singing swing?!?!? a black man wasn't needed to sing any of the typical disneyesque music, they had to import one to sing "black" music...and then the only animal in the jungle Disney felt could be voiced by a black man was an ape? Anyone missing the insult buried in there?

So we all need to get together and get the NAACP to start a ban on Jungle Book...this dangerous movie absolutely cannot be allowed to continue its vile and insidious campaign to turn the youth of America into racist scumbags. Its bad enough we have to listen to skin heads humming "zippedy doo dah"...can you imagine the horror if they graduated to "the Bear Necessities"?...<shiver>

Once this has been done, we can examine other potential training propaganda for Nazi youth...I've always had suspiscions about why Mary Poppins didn't nanny for black children...and seven little white guys get to live with a white girl and no little black men are invited? Oh and the mine where they work...ever hear of fair hiring practices? That foreman has some explainging to do!

I could go on and on...but one battle at a time...


Ban Jungle Book Too!

from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Ban: to prohibit especially by legal means

The movie is not 'banned'. That indicates government interference which is not the case. "Song of the South" is the property of Disney Studios and they can do what they wish with their property...just like you and me.

