Not liking the title

I suppose it is because 'leave her to heaven' already has its place from Hamlet, and that context doesn't apply in this film, I wonder if the movie could have had a better title.

I might suggest:

The Curse of Her Love (wow that's bad) Any good ideas?



"Leave [them/him/her] to Heaven" was a common expression back then, basically a way of dismissing someone who was troublesome, negative, bad, whatever, as being irrelevant to one's own life.

I think Ben Ames Williams, who wrote the book and gave it its title, used it both in that sense and with an eye toward the irony of leaving the fate of a psychotic murderer to the judgment of Heaven -- as if nowhere else could her actions be truly judged. The movie kept the title because the book was a best-seller.

I actually think it's a good title. Certainly memorable.

You're right. "The Curse of Her Love" is bad -- like something Bela Lugosi made at Monogram in 1941!


Don't give up your day job. The title is appropriate; she'll get her judgement in Heaven.


It's similar to the expression "kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out."
