MovieChat Forums > Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo Discussion > Would The Military Ever Do Something Lik...

Would The Military Ever Do Something Like This Again?

Attempt to do something with machines and technology that's seems to be beyond their capability? Would they be too afraid of the consequences if the mission fails?

This was an incredibly daring mission, which could easily have been a horrible disaster.

If this mission had failed, would it have been made public? If so, there would have been massive second guessing in the newspapers about the wisdom of the mission and those who planned it would have been publicly disgraced, much the same way as Admiral Kimmel and General Short were disgraced after the attack on Pearl Harbor.


I don't think that we will have an opportunity to push the edge of our technological envelope in our life times. Let's hope not. We are, after all, the World's Super Power.

Nevertheless, we have demonstrated imagination, skill, and resourcefulness recently. Realize, if you don't already know, that "bunker buster" bombs in the form that we have now, deep penetrating, precision guided, conventional explosive armed bombs did not exist in 1991. When the preliminary bombing campaign started "Desert Storm," the DoD recognized that they needed to destroy Sadam Hussein's command bunkers, we hoped with him in one of them. They wanted to do it without using nukes. So, the race was on. In less than ninety days from mission and target definition to first delivery, the deep earth penetrating bunker buster was conceived, developed, and prototyped. The development process was greatly accelerated because we were able to field test the prototype operationally immediately on delivery.

The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.


With the current commander in chief we have now, I seriously doubt it. To attempt something like the Doolittle Raid you have to have balls and resolve.

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please"


We get what we vote for.

It is unrealistic for the people to repeatedly vote for a celebrity, symbol of their personal cause, or deft politician and then expect to have a statesman in the office. President Obama is far from the best President that we have ever had, but he is also far from the worst. However, right now it looks like we are going to need to choose between an egotistical blowhard celebrity and a treasonous power hungry mad woman. Or else we will need to choose between a crypto-communist and a right wing religious zealot.

We have survived all the crap we have put into the office at various occasions over the last 200 years; I hope we survive the next four years.

The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.


The military establishment is pretty risk adverse - it's not just the president. But I'd suggest at least a couple of examples that illustrate that daring exploits can still be authorized.

The failed attempt to rescue the hostages in Iran.

The successful attack that killed Osama bin Laden. This one worked, but if it had gone wrong, the recriminations would have been huge. A military operation inside the borders of an ostensibly allied country. Imagine if the Pakistani military had detected the raid and responded with force.


Operation Eagle Claw was a miserable failure for a list of reasons, some of them the exact opposite of what happened with the Doolittle Raid. The services competed to ensure representation in the mission, with the result of poor operational coordination.

According to Seymour Hersh, who has his detractors but whom I believe to be the best investigative journalist on military intelligence matters, says that the Obama administration lied about the assassination of Osama bin Laden. They made up the story they release to the media and the Pakistanis were in on through the whole game. Although the administration then turned on the Pakistanis anyway. I suppose that helped them with plausible deniability.

Nevertheless, I agree with your premise, the military is still capable of great things. Given the right civilian leadership. Hillary certainly won't do anything that does not result in a check going to the Clinton foundation and may God protect us from what Trump might do. I'm voting Libertarian for the first time.

The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank.


"Pakistanis were in on through the whole game"
It's plausible but IMO it would have leaked, no question. Maybe P's were told min's. from the landing?

The Tokyo bombing was a remarkable story. Good movie.
