United States Proper

Right after the first scene, some text appears on the screen which says something like "Meanwhile, back in the United States Proper". Does anyone know why they would refer to the US in this way? I've never heard of it with the word "proper" after it.

Twenty pounds of brown sugar!


Make a long essay short;

Up to not so many years ago and in many respects 'still is'... Brooklyn was considered in the minds & hearts of it's inhabitants a separate 'world'..
People were born, raised, lived and died there..

When, many a time I would visit friends in Brooklyn, it DID SEEM like another world and of course it's accent, which i loved and tried to emulate.

The best Italian bread can be had there..

So anyplace, outside Brooklyn(pushing the point in a 'Ha, Ha' sorta way), and in this movie's POV, the rest of NYC, ..was 'US Proper'..


Brooklyn has always been regarded as an exotic, almost magical kind of place.
This past week, I was with a group of 12-year-olds (in Central NJ) who were writing on a classroom chart their plans for the weekend. One kid wrote, "Going
to Brooklyn." The rest of the kids were in awe; he might as well have written
"Going to Mars" by the way all their eyes lit up when they read it.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



Growing up in the Bronx it was always a joke among my friends that you needed a passport to get to Brooklyn.

let's go and say a prayer for a boy who couldn't run as fast as I could


As a proud Brooklynite, I'm happy to report that Brooklyn is still its own world, at least to some extent!

I can add a little exchange from the movie _On the Town_: as Betty Garrett's cab driver helps her friends, she says: "Don't worry, I know a place over the Brooklyn Bridge where they'll never find us."

Gene Kelly (I think), asks: "Where?"

Betty Garrett: "Brooklyn!"



To each his own.




Completely understood!


Must be something special about it.

I remember in a Honeymooners episode Norton was asked a question by a reporter. When he asked him where he was from, Norton replied, "The garden spot of the world, Brooklyn, USA!"

The audience cheered wildly.
