MovieChat Forums > Thunder Rock (1944) Discussion > Shades of 'A Christmas Carol'

Shades of 'A Christmas Carol'

David Charleston (Michael Redgrave), dismayed at the inevitable coming war (the film is set in 1939), isolates himself from the rest of the world by taking a job as a lone lighthouse-keeper on Lake Michigan. There he becomes obsessed with a plaque commemorating a group of immigrants from Europe who perished 90 years earlier when the ship carrying them to a new life in America sank off-shore in a storm. In his solitude Charleston begins to experience ghostly visions of some of those who were lost. Are these figures actually ghosts, or projections from his own mind?

Fantastic performance from Redgrave (even eclipsing his turn as the haunted ventriloquist in Dead of Night) and a fine supporting cast (led by James Mason, and Finlay Currie). Can't believe this had passed me by until now. 8/10
