
how did the frankenstein monster end up in ice in frankenstein meets the wolfman in ghost of frankenstein the house exploded


Well, the house didn't exactly explode, it burned down (as Elsa says). As for the ice, maybe it was the old "falling throught the floorboards during the fire" routine, such as put the Monster in the cistern below the mill at the beginning of "Bride."

So, then let's say Visaria had a rainy spell (flooding what was the house's cellar) and then a particularly nasty - and isolated - cold snap. Voila! One monster-cicle!

Poe! You are...avenged!


i always thought lon chaney jr was the best frankenstein monster


Got to disagree with you on that one. Karloff, as far as the classic Universal movies are concerned, was the best monster. Chaney was second best, though, better than Lugosi and Glenn Strange.


I'd go with Fred Gwynne


Posted Mar 22, 2007 by angeleyes10

how did the frankenstein monster end up in ice in frankenstein meets the wolfman in ghost of frankenstein the house exploded

In order:
The end of Son of Frankenstein had the monster fall into the sulfur pit.
The sulfur dried and became rock-like.
The the beginning of the Ghost of Frankenstein had the monster escape from the sulfur via the lab being destroyed. The end had the monster killed in the burning house.
The beginning of Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man had the monster and most of the destroyed lab in ice and snow. No explanation was given as to how the snow and ice appeared there. Thank the writers for not keeping up with the story line.


Excellent question. This is exhibit A of a plot hole
