Cuba Libre

Something weird happened to me regarding this movie: Few days ago I was in a bar but I didn’t want to drink what I usually have which is beer, so a friend of mine recommended to ask for a “Cuba Libre”. Don’t remember why we begun to talk about the origins of the name of this drink but He claimed it was related to “the freedom Cuba needs since 1950’s when Fidel Castro got the power”. I totally disagreed and told him that the drink was earlier that time and (since I’m a big fan of Bette Davis movies) I made reference to “The Great Lie” which has a party scene where Bette Davis accuses George Brent of being drinking “Cuba Libre”. The weird thing was that when I finally got home later that night and begun to browse the cable-tv channels, suddenly appeared Bette Davis starring “The Great Lie”. Since I live in Caracas, Venezuela, it is very uncommon to watch a Bette Davis movie in our channels so I was amazed for the whole experience….. Anyhow, Does anybody know the origin of this drink “Cuba Libre” ( “Free Cuba”) ?



Sorry, all I know about them is they seem to drink a lot of them in Miami.
I watch CSI M a lot.
Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff


all I know is it is a rum and coke with a lime in it
nice socks, man.....


This drink's name refers to the *original* liberation of Cuba, from the Spanish.
Remember the Maine!
