MovieChat Forums > His Girl Friday (1940) Discussion > Cute movie -- but way overrated + reveal...

Cute movie -- but way overrated + revealing of secret American psychosis

It seems to me that anything mediocre, decent, or even passably OK is revered in our society as something incredible and amazing.

His Girl Friday is a decent movie ... its entertaining. But lets be candid here: the dialogue trick of overlapping lines is used WAY too much, the banter between them is really the stuff of sitcoms. There are a couple of good lines, and some good set-ups and back and forth bickering, but mostly this is corny, undeveloped, one-dimensional characters.

What irks me more about this than anything is that the movie truly makes Cary Grant's character to be "GOOD" even though he is a total prick and *beep* and should have been imprisoned on several occasions. America roots for cads and scumballs based on our Greek / European heritage -- the myth of Ulysses (Odysseus) as told in The Oddessy. Ulysses was a jerk and lied and did whatever he could to survive so he could achieve his goals. In the end he is considered "good" and widely admired because he prevailed. Walter (Cary Grant) is just liket that character.

Cary Grant may have been trying to publish the truth, but all of his actions were personal and selfish (get the girl, sell newspapers, retain power and wealth). Unfortunately, he didn't follow any classicly good values or virtues: he lied, cheated, pushed people around on his own whim, he yelled and screamed and bullied others, he manipulated and had criminal associates. And we're supposed to cheer that "he got the girl?" I found Grant's character to be -- quite simply -- nasty.

(look at the leaders in Congress and White House)


I watched this film for the first time and while I really enjoyed it, I found some flaws with it as well. The subject matter is surprisingly dark for such a zany-movie and I think the plot is a bit too convoluted for its own good.

I wrote a full review if you're interested in reading more of my thoughts:


" the dialogue trick of overlapping lines is used WAY too much, the banter between them is really the stuff of sitcoms."

Sitcoms don't do that. However, it was a Howard Hawks hallmark.




ulysses is a punk. true.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


Where do you think sitcoms learned the banter trick? This movie was the first to do the 'talking over one anther' thing. The best I've seen it done on television were not sitcoms, but on Chicago Hope and West Wing.


It's not often that I read an attempted criticism of a movie that makes me glad I'm not the person that wrote the criticism. This may be the first. "American psychosis"? Really? While the lamp is apparently lit for throwing around psychology terms, I'll throw in "projection." Wow.


I am not sure why you think Cry Grant's character is made out to be good. Is it because Rosalind Russel chooses him over Bruce in the end?

The fact is, there aren't really any virtuous characters in this film, except Bruce who gets played for a chump the entire time. Hildy in the end can't get free of the shady world of the press. She caves. She's addicted to it. She's our hero and she loses the battle. I rooted for her and I wasn't sure what I was rooting for her to do. Be true to herself I guess. So did she? And could I respect that? She chose the shady press world. Her character was amazing.

I don't know if your supposed to cheer anything except maybe Earl Williams getting pardoned.

This was a scathing parody of the press. It's a biting film with a subversively sad ending.
It's an extremely dark comedy dressed up as "screw ball", but this is not what I would call a happy ending. It was NOT a screw ball comedy. The humor it is film is extremely dark.
It's an incredible film though. It's absolutely incredible. It was hardly cute though.

It's shocking to think this film was made in 1940. This film is revolutionary in my opinion. There is no hero. There is no virtue in the ending. This is practically film noir. What can you compare this film too until say the mid 60's?
