Can Grapes be remade?

I've often wondered why Grapes of Wrath hasn't been remade. Perhaps many directors, producers, et al feel like that the original movie cannot be improved upon, and I can understand that. The original is an outstanding film but was made at about the same time the book was written. Perhaps this is why a remake hasn't been attempted because the thought is, it cannot be made better. I think that this story needs to be told to another generation that will NOT take the time to read a book OR watch an old black and white movie. My point is, I do beleive that we have some talented directors who could pull this off. The Coen Brothers come to mind. If anyone could direct and cast a remake of this film, Joel and Ethan Coen would be the guys I'd vote for. I wonder if they would ever consider it???


Hollywood is not very good at remaking things. they would use beautiful people and unnecessary special effects. I'm sure they would even add things to the story to sex it up a bit. this is a great movie as it is. i hope they never touch it.


I'm sure that Hollywood would just try to sex it up. It's happened all the time. They just cannot handle a good remake. Plus I don't think it is as relevant of a story today as it was right after/ during the depths of the Great Depression. It's a masterpiece, don't get me wrong; but people today feel far more entitled and their desires and values have progressed since the days of living off the land. It wouldn't be as big. I agree, I hope they don't ruin it.


I go out of my way to read classics and watch movies, so I don't know if your generalization about my generation is accurate, or if I'm just an outlier. I hope it's not true because I don't really like my generation either. But then again, you are the parents and the businesspeople that raised us and put overt messages of sex and vapidity in all of our media purely to earn a few more bucks; and that carelessness inevitably indoctrinated the young people to behave so abysmally. Our generation is only a product of the previous one's choices.


Why should it get remade?


I'm waiting for the sequel. The Wrath of Grapes 2 - Return of the Wrathful Grapes


I don't think it should be remade - you can't remake a masterpiece. And for all its faults which the other commenters have pointed out, it IS a masterpiece.


An entirely new 'rethink' can be made, as the Coen's went back to the original TRUE GRIT and made their own version of that.

Only one problem, as I see it: the scene in the labor camp was real footage. That was a real labor camp, with real migrants. You couldnt' do that today. Modern Americans are too fat. You'd have to have hired extras and it wouldn't have that feel of total authenticity.


I usually differentiate between "remake" and "refilming," though it's a miniscule difference, I'll admit. A 'remake' to me is when they use the original script. A 'refilming' is when they film a new version based on the original source material.

In that case, yes, GRAPES OF WRATH could be remade - the main advantage (for those who care) is that it could remain true to the book, which the 1940 version sometimes couldn't because of the time when it was made.

"In my case, self-absorption is completely justified."


I can't believe anyone would think the recession of the 2000's was on equal ground as terrible as the dustbowl 30's. If they thought that little belt tightening we had a few years ago was tough, they would be pushing stock brokers out of the way so they could jump out the windows first if they were dealing with the crash of 29.

I would rather Hollywood leave it alone. A "remake" of the 1930's era isn't needed and god forbid they do a remake that takes place in the 2000's recession era. It would just be another circle jerk of a movie that slams the righties for lousing up the country and im sick and tired of that routine.

Hollywood might go so far by not only sexing it up, but turning it into a mild action adventure where the big evil corporate right handers try to destroy the family at every turn.

The original was more like a historic film that followed real events than a straight up political protest. It just wouldn't work with a mid 2000 feel because things didn't get nearly that bad, and making **** up to make it look way worse than it was just to have another evil corporation movie is just crap.

Bottom line: The remake would just be another 6/7 star piece of mush that would be forgotten in 14 months. Stick with the classic.


The original movie lost it's way in the adaption of Steinbecks masterpiece by trying to soften the hard hitting, often gut wrenching images that Steinbeck portrayed in the novel, scenes such as children starving to death in a wealthy nation or refugees being beaten to death for no other reason than just trying to survive.

Maybe a feature movie isn't a good vehicle for the novel due to the time constraits of fitting all the content into a 90 - 120 minute movie. Perhaps a better option would be to present the Grapes of Wrath as a mini series which would give much more time to bring out the vision of Steinbeck. Perhaps give the task to HBO & let acclaimed Directors such as David Milch (Deadwood)or Yves Simoneau (Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee) first refusal on the project.


It would be a tough one to remake

But the way the censor's butchered the original story i think a modern re-adaptation of the novel would make a completely new movie.


Every time I watch this classic I wonder too what a remake would be like. Our times are very uncertain, we're living through climate change, terrorism, economic upheaval, people are losing hope, it seems like done right, and with respect both to Steinbeck and the original, a remake could strike a powerful chord with the public.

It appeared on TCM and I am enjoying it right now :)


Well Spielberg is probably remaking this.. But it should be Terrence Malick.


Ugh, his movies are so boring, like watching paint dry or grass grow. Will not waste my time on his films after what I've already seen.


quentin tarantino?
