MovieChat Forums > The Women (1939) Discussion > What does everyone think of the new vers...

What does everyone think of the new version

think it will be any good? Trailer makes it look like they stuck close to the original story....still the 1939 version is a classic and those stars will be hard to top!!!


I really wish they had left the movie alone. To me, it's like remaking Casablanca.

I did like the play version they showed on PBS a couple of years ago with Cynthia Nixon as Mary and Jennifer Tilly as Crystal. The cast did a good job, imho. But in that situation, they were using Luce's original play instead of doing an updated version.

On the upside, maybe this will get people to watch the original movie.

“We're men. . manly men. . .we're men in tights. .YES!"



Just saw it last night...
The original is definitely better. I agree they might've gotten away with remaking it if they had left it set in the 1930's, but the biting wit and humor are glaringly absent from this version.
And what was with the pot smoking? Totally unnecessary.

I did enjoy the remake with Cynthia Nixon... I actually saw it first and that led me to seek the original, which I love.

To this new venture, I say "Boo."

"Because happiness isn't happiness without a violin-playing goat."


I practically have this movie memorized, and when I saw the trailer for the remake I was positively horrified. Then I saw it and realized that (for some reason unbeknownst to me) they used the least funny bits in the trailer. The cast in this remake was superb, and although parts of the story are vastly different (Sylvia is trying to be nice? No Miriam Aarons? A lesbian friend?), it stands at its own movie very well.
It kind of made me think of the 1940 version of "Pride and Prejudice." Almost insultingly unfaithful to the book in several parts, but SUCH a great movie on its own. ...okay, this new version of "The Women" was no "Pride and Prejudice," but it was definitely not as horrible as it looked!!

"Just close your eyes...but keep your mind wide open."


I thought the remake of the wonderful film "The Women" was positively awful!!!

They butchered the characters, they didn't really follow the storyline, and there was sooo much junk in it that was positively unnecessary. I was thoroughly disappointed in it; and will not be seeing it again. But I plan on buying the original very soon! :)

BTW- I thought the 40's remake of it was very corny but was much better than this remake. I mean who can do better than Jean Arthur?


Okay, I've never seen the original. I have a date with TIVO after it airs Monday night.

I obviously can't compare the new version with the old. I enjoyed the new movie. My mother in law, future sister in law and I have started to have "Girl Days." (My husband has one brother, and they both have sons. So we women have to stick together.)

I liked it better than Sex and the City - not quite the humor, but also not the sexual situations. It was a good movie to stand on its own.

From what I've read about the original, the new movie took some liberties in some areas and left out parts in other areas. I hope that those of you who love the original will give the new a chance, not as something that is competing but as a good movie, worthy of your entertainment dollar.
