Shooting the old dog

That was heartbreaking. But his owner was old, and he was old, and they were good for each other. It drives me crazy every time I see this film. Didn't anyone think of giving the old dog a bath? Less trouble to just shoot him in the head, I guess.

Paula Jo


I guess you're watching this right now on TCM like I am. Yea, I remember reading the book and watching this film in high school and the scene where the old dog got shot always broke my heart as well.


The big problem in the movie is that the dog is obviously healthy and happy. It was poor casting.


yeah, but you couldn't see how bad he smelled.


I've never seen this movie before tonight and I thought that Slim could have said to shoot him in the morning so that the old man could have had one last night with his beloved dog...


But the dog did great in his auditions.

Short Cut, Draw Blood


It was bad casting.
In the book the dog is a sheepdog, with no teeth (so it can only drink milk for food), that is almost blind.

This dog in the movie looked happy and healthy - but then,
in the movie Curley's wife was also not a flirt (to many men, all the while not having sex with her husband) and a vicious racist, she was a lonely, sympathetic character....


Watching it now

Don't understand why Slim allowed Bill to keep pushing the idea of shooting the dog
You can see he doesn't agree with it. None of the people in the bunkhouse agreed

In a world where a carpenter can be resurrected, anything is possible.


That scene had to show the regret he felt not doing it himself. It also set up the ending. George and the old dog, one who didn't have anything to offer society, had to be made to show the parallel idea.


Also a metaphor for George being shot. Candie the old man regretted not shooting his dog but letting strngers do it. Lenny couldn't let this happen and did it hiself.


George wasn't shot. You did watch the film, right?


The dog was harmless but he stanked worst than s#it! I guess bathing a dog wasnt an opinion back in those dayz


Nice English. Hope you're doing that deliberately.


You can kiss my a##, punk a## cracka

reply;re just a half-ass troll


I haven't read the book, can't stand Steinbeck's writing style but in this film it felt like that man only shot the dog to bully the old man.


It is sad..I am a big, big dog lover (wth accent on bigh, though I love small ones0
