It's all about entertainment

For all the complainers, the historians, the reality police, et al, this movie is about entertaining audiences.

All of these Hollywood blockbusters from this "golden age" were set pieces for the MOVIE STARS.

The movie is only peripherally about Robin Hood and medieval England, it's about Errol Flynn and Olivia DeHavilland place in a pretty, romantic (in the traditional sense) setting.

The whole purpose was to entertain. They didn't care about historical accuracy, they didn't care about politics, how realistic the costumes were . . . they didn't care about the details.

All of these adventure movies were made to entertain . . . an art Hollywood and the entire film industry seems to have abandoned for their politically charged, agenda driven, tiresomely didactic screeds, remakes, and comic books.


"All these adventure movies were made to entertain . . . an art Hollywood and the entire film industry seems to have abandoned for their politically charged, agenda driven, tiresomely didactic screeds, remakes, and comic books."

You said it, brother.

(Happened about the same time they started calling themselves "artists" 'stead of "film-makers")


I certainly don't watch this movie as a documentary about 12th century Britain. Who in their right mind would? It was intended as pure entertainment, and it succeeds brilliantly.
