Savy a remake?

Okay guys, I know there is a lot of hype right now about pirates, thanks to Pirates of the Carribean. Personally, I think this is one of the best pirate movies ever made and because pirate movies are so popular, I would love to see another made, besides POTC. So if they did a remake, who would you want to see star in the film?

These are a few I thought of, but the possibilities are endless:

Captain Peter Blood: Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, or Eric Bana

Arabella Bishop: Natalie Portman, Sienna Miller, Scarlett Johannson

Colonel Bishop: Brendan Gleeson, Alan Rickman, Robbie Coltrane

Captain Lavasseur: Vincent Cassel, Daniel Day-Lewis, Ralph Fiennes, Adrien Brody

Jeremy Pitt: Garrett Hedlund (He's the only person I could think of)

Lord Willoughby: Ian McKellan, Sean Connery


He's the only one I thought of. French, great actor, and he can certainly handle a sword.

I have no problems with anyone doing remakes if they do them well. After all, the 1935 Captain Blood is a remake as is the 1941 Maltese Falcon. The problem is that Hollywood does them without thinking simply to make a fast, cheesy buck.

Blood and Arabella ought to be unknowns but you could fill in the other cast members easily enough.


DON'T THEY DARE MAKE A REMAKE! Warner owns the rights, it'll never happen. However, I didn't know that Raefeal Sabatini made a trilogy of the Captain Blood character. I would like to see a Captain Blood Returns. That way they can't screw up the original. As for the cast. Entirely new Blood for both Blood and Aribella. Someone the world hasn't seen.


They can do a remake....if Warner agrees. At one point, I heard rumors of a new version starring (gag me) Mel Gibson. No idea how serious that was but nothing happened thank goodness. Blood and Arabella would be hard to cast because Flynn and deHavilland were so good in the 1935 version. It was the film that made a star of Flynn so that is a consideration.

But I STILL think Cassel is a great choice for Levasseur. No one is going to out-do Basil Rathbone, but he would do very well.


wow i was just thinking while watching the movie that Captain Blood looked a bit like Christian Bale.

out of all the things i've lost i miss my mind the least


Nobody can beat Flynn. Bets closed.

However, I wouldn't mind a Captain Blood Returns or something to that effect. It might even turn out pretty good, as long as they don't cast Keira Knightley. She's too modern/shallow. You need a woman with the richness of voice and depth of facial intensity that Olivia deHavilland was able to do so well because that's who she WAS.

The same with Flynn. You need somebody who is devil-may-care in their true PERSONALITY. Flynn was always like that, was always good at it, because that's what his real life was all about.

Anyhow. I don't think Christian Bale would be soooo bad... and if Jennifer Ehle was younger she could almost hack Arabella.

"Shall we toss a coin." - Cary Grant, The Philidelphia Story (1940)


I've read that Darabont worked on a script for a remake of Captain Blood.

I guess it has been cancelled?

Anyone knows what happened to the project? Is there a copy of the actual script on the Net?


why remake the perfect pirate movie? cause kids cant watch b&w? f kids!


If Blood was remade in the early 1960's or 70s then I would say the ideal role for Blood would be Peter O' Toole.


I'd thank you to notice in the IMDB statistics for this film, the highest rating comes from females under 18! Being in that bracket myself, I think the people who are to blame for remaking a movie that could never be improved upon are the studios. Don't look at us kids!


hold on-what about Orlando Bloom? If he matured acting wise, he would be a good choice, not even considering his swashbuckling physique, look and even the Errol Flynn style mustache. He is a hero actor-he needs a swashbuckling movie.


please! no remake! your choices are great and everything, but I don't think Errol Flynn's charisma can ever be duplicated! He had some kind of "zing," a good screen presence, you know?

It should be left as is...

don't try to fix what's not broken...


why not? especially with today's technology, a new version of Captain Blood would be great. Think about it. People who see the new version, can pick up this classic and see it too. It's all based on the book so anyone can play with it. I want more movies like this.


I saw this again last night, on TCM. It's been awhile since the last time. I agree with the general best pirate movie ever view. I am not so sure about best movie with sailing ships in it, but that's another matter, and The Crimson Pirate with Burt Lancaster was also a great one. Just not as good as this one.

But I would expect a remake would require a somewhat more evenhanded approach to the King Billy vs. King James, France and Spain issue. And that Blood was Irish, and supported King Billy?!?!? Not many did that, for sure. The film imo doesn't really even address that. But it's not just the Irish thing. I doubt many hispanic groups would be happy with the way the Spaniards are portrayed.

It's not just a matter of addressing PC concerns today. A more honest historical representatino would also so require.
