MovieChat Forums > Beginner's Luck (1935) Discussion > What part of Spanky's Mother's rescue at...

What part of Spanky's Mother's rescue attempt and stage debut is your favorite

1.When she walks up to the back of the stage and grabs the pole
2. When she takes off her overcoat and throws it and gets down on all fours
3.she's poking the pole out from behind the curtain but not seen
4 She puts pole in socket and gets shocked and thrown back to sitting on her heels,
5 Grabs Spank and is being pulled out onto the stage as she fights hard to get him
6 The image of just her legs and shoes with the grommet going toward her hem
7 As she realizes he dress is on the rise and she screams and stands up.
8 The shot of her standing squirming trying to get het dress unhooked
9 Hearing the ripping noise and watching the dress rise on the curtain
10 The shot of her from behind her beret, her fancy curls resting gently resting on the lily white skin.
11 The camera angle is moving to show the prop with her head with her eyes tilted up mouth agape.


I like part 1 through 11!!! They are each unique and stimulating and play off each other.


I agree with spankyfan2, ALL of them are a complete turn on!


Yup I have to agree with you guys too


Do you think most guys would find this short as erotic as we do or is it just a few? I mean the short is 85 years old, I was always curious if there were guys let’s say 85 years ago that found it stimulating and because there was no social media like we have today no one knew back than unless it was discussed in person or via phone?


Over the years I've known many guys who were really into and a few girls too. Some I think see more of a comedy than anything else. Then there is another group that see both comedy and erotic at the same time. There is also a bunch that see BL in a perverse manner, they are the type that kicked cats and dogs and pulled the wings off flies just to see them suffer.


Good answer!! Just look at the different comments left on YouTube over the years on the various posts of the BL video. Some love it like we do--others WTF and others thats disgusting.
Off the subject any ideas on how to get some of those people to this website


Appreciate you guys responses, I agree some think it is perverse others like us think opposite, with regards to trying to get some others over here for discussion, since other boards shut down I guess you tube is our only chance of trying to increase members over here?


I only wish that we cud have some of the guys from the olden days back here today, But I have to thank Spankyfan2 for bringing me here


Yes the olden day boards were very good. Some of the discussion was really excellent along with the polls


It would be great if somehow we cud get more people like us back to these discussions.
I'm not Sure how even to go about it. ON YouTube the people post once and seem to never return.


Robbie mentioned that BL is 85 years old. How old are the different BL boards--probably 8-10 years old or more. Unfortunately time marches on and a lot of the people aren't young pups anymore. When people were scrambling on where to go when Yahoo was closing, I mentioned this board and got no responses from that group of 100-120. So life goes on--people die, get married or bogged down with what life hands you. Maybe people are out there but just don't want to participate which is a shame since we all love hearing different ideas and interpretations. I will try to drop this boards name on You Tube occasionally to try and recruit new people.


great answer


To go back to the different types that like BL in the very early days of the IMDB boards someone asked the question what would you like to see in BL to improve it without ruining it? You van guess my response of adding at least two lines after the mother says " They're laughing at him". I always felt that at least 2 to 4 lines each from the mother and the MC were perfect. Another poster decided he wanted to take a scene of the stage prop and make the body that of a chicken laying an egg. The mother laying an egg symbolizes her laying an egg trying to make an actor out of her son.
Another guy wanted to have the rascals place an electric razor on the top of the curtain trying to catch Spanky on stage with I. It doesn't come down till her dress goes up and winds up going down the back of her slip when she's behind the prop. The gang see it and plug it in making her jump up trying to get the razor out of her back resulting in her jumping around the stage. Till Spanky comes to the rescue and pulls hard on the cord making her slip,bra and panties all pull off on the razor and the mom falls nude into the audience.Still another wanted a rascal to come from below stage thru a trap door as she's mounted with a electric razor and shave her ho ho. And another wanted her stripped naked on stage and her to fall on her back with her legs spread eagle and freezes as a electric razor again shaves all the hair off her pussy. The last and wildest one had nothing changing at all after the prop goes into place the MC comes out to take the mother off the stage he takes her to his office where he takes her remaining clothes off and lay her on his desk on her belly. He proceeds to give her a real good spanking and then sticks the nozzle of an enema in her behind. He then puts his dick in her mouth and has her give him a BJ. At this point Spanky walks in looking for his mom and his helmet top spins.
After all the stories were posted it became clear that each had huge supporters and foes


Doug there definitely should be more lines, there should be lines from the women who were at her house. Having them see her back stage , saying omg you poor thing you must be so embarassed they are making a fool,out of spanky! Then they burst into laughter pointing at her , her eyes widen and she says no one is going to humiliate my son and I , let’s see who gets the last laugh as she stomps off with the pole in hand.i like the idea of the razor. There was another episode I think where the razor was used on a man going down his shirt, he wiggled around so as to make him look like a fool.


They used to say that with the old IMDB they knew there were many people that read all the posts but never posted. I don't know how someone would ever know that, but I wonder if we cud get them over here ,then again they may not post here either.


when you say you like the razor- which one I spoke of 3 different ones. Or do you like using all three at the same time


All 3 razors at the same time for me would be awesome.
Also the idea of spankys mother wearing a wig and having that lifted off her head as the dress is ripped off leaving her either with curlers in her hair or just bald to me adds to the eroticism!


I believe that was an electric razor !


It was and for some reason would add to the short for me!


What was the name of that episode in which the father lost his shirt ?


I wish I could remember. Maybe others know?


I like when the girl runs off crying and Spanky wins the money for her.


I do too! Spanky tried to make her feel better and pay for the dress and his mother lost hers!
